Virtual Safari: The Week in Video #61
Lions have seemed to steal most of our focus over the last week with the rediscovery of the five Ntsevu cubs. Somehow they had evaded us for over a month …
Lions have seemed to steal most of our focus over the last week with the rediscovery of the five Ntsevu cubs. Somehow they had evaded us for over a month …
The week was filled with many great sightings, the Ximungwe female’s cub has been viewed a few times and is becoming a lot more relaxed. The Nkoveni female and her …
Male lions fighting; it is simply something I have waited for my whole life to see. Spoiler alert, it is yet to happen in front of me but on this …
“It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest …
Pretty much a month ago, to the day, one of the Ntsevu females was found with tiny cubs as she was moving them to what became a new den for …
The Tsalala Pride, as I’m sure many of you know, has been a major part of our lion viewing over the past two decades. Although, due to the shifting of …
Over the last few weeks we have been experiencing a subtle change in the weather conditions at Londolozi, as should be expected at this time of year. Not only have …
Leopards have continued to take centre stage this this week. The Nkoveni, Ximungwe, Plaque Rock and Ndzanzeni females as well as the Flat Rock and Senegal Bush males were all …
The team were lucky to have found the Nkoveni Female and her two cubs in a thickly vegetated watercourse, and the next day we headed to the spot. Knowing that …
We set out from Tree Camp just before the sun had started to appear. It was a beautiful, cool morning. We could hear the birds starting to wake, distant alarm …
The Ximungwe female leopard occupies the central storyline in this week’s episode, as speculation around and the search for her cub intensifies… Enjoy this Week in Video…
[Editor’s Note: Our normal Sunday Virtual Safari will be released tomorrow] We’ve been witnessing the changing of season in which the vibrant green of summer is slowly but surely giving …
It’s been a fairly heavy leopard week, with a couple of Londolozi’s better known individuals taking centre stage. As spectacular as isolated sightings can be, seeing the same leopard on …
One evening on our way back to camp, we came across the Ximungwe female leopard. She was making her way into an area that we knew she had been making …
Many guests have asked me what do leopard cubs do when their mother leaves them at their den site? The mother leopard, in this case the Picadilly female will leave …