The team were lucky to have found the Nkoveni Female and her two cubs in a thickly vegetated watercourse, and the next day we headed to the spot.
Knowing that there is a chance we might see a glimpse of a cub made our hearts race and chests pound. We sit in silence as the sun rays started to light the riparian thickets, and a rainbow of butterflies flutter around us. Suddenly, Advice Ngwenya (who I track with) spotted an impala kill in a Jackalberry tree barely a few metres next to us. Keeping our noise levels to a minimum, all we could do is look at each other with wide eyes as we knew we were now almost certain to see the three leopards.
As we drove closer to the Jackalberry we saw the canopy shake, and through our binoculars we saw the two cubs moving down the trunk. We switched off the vehicle and waited to let the cubs have space and time to relax again. Waiting silently, as still as the air around us, we could feel the suspense build. Then all of a sudden a head popped up, then two, then a tail and then the two cubs were leaping and tumbling over each other on a fallen tree. We got to see them play with each other right next to us and in the open!
This was a first for me!
We then heard a chuff coming from the mother who was lying in the tall grass below the tree with the kill in it. She lay down next to the fallen over Marula while the cubs practiced their climbing agility and hunting skills above.

They played in the shadows but every now and then their coats glowed as they moved into the patches of light.
Often they would fall off the tree and land in the cushioned grass but as they tried to jump back up they would sometimes misjudge the distance and bounce right back off. I was thrilled to watch the process of them repeating this until they got better and fell less, even leaping from branch to branch. Knowing that they are soon going to be as agile as their mother and able to climb the thinnest branch is amazing, but it will still be a long time before they are able to hoist an adult impala carcass high into a tree.

The Nkoveni Female joined them on the fallen marula, soon to get a few bites and scratches as the cubs stalked her tail.
Beautiful sequence of pictures. I enjoyed seeing the cubs as they are learning and growing. Thanks Jess.
Thank you, William!
OH WOWZER what a fantastic sighting
Jess, I loved leopards🤗
Dear Jesse my heart jumped with joy and delight! Two cubs! They look healthy and happy. Hopefully their mum will be able to lead them to independence
It is very exciting! I hope the Nkoveni Female is successful in raising them!
Thank you for these gorgeous foto’s of the Nkoveni female and her two cubs. They are so precious I wish I could of seen them as well. They are enjoying themselves playing with each other and with mom. At last we know now there are two cubs, she is a stunning cat the Nkoveni female.
It is good news and I hope one day you can see them too!
One of our all-time favorite sightings was watching leopard cubs learn the tree climbing skill under the watchful eye of mom.(Going up is much easier than coming down!)
I was amazed at how long our group was willing to stay to watch the whole thing unfold.
That sounds like an incredible sighting! Glad you got to see that!
The amazing gifts of the wild. Memories that will last a lifetime. All I can say is “WOW” and how lucky you and those who were there to see such an awesome siting
Great pictures! How exciting!!!
Love seeing the mama and cubs! Thanks for sharing this fantastic sighting!!!
Hi Jess. Delightful article with wonderful pics too. Thanks so much. What a joy to see! Wendy M
What a very special sighting for you, Jess. How old do you think the cubs are – 2-3 months? I was lucky enough to see Nkoveni playing with Plaque Rock back in Oct ’18, when she was about 6 months old. They treated us to a wonderful gymnastic display on a fallen tree, just a few feet away from us. (Alfie considered it to be one of his most memorable sightings, which is saying something when you look at how long he’s been a ranger).
Hi Suzanne, they are around 3-4 months old now.
FABULOUS!!! The captures are not only exciting , but the expressions and motions of the little “Wugga-Wugga’s” are precious!
What a treat for you Jess! As much as your heart was pounding upon what became visible to you, mine is from afar! – It’s a relief to know that the cubs are alive and well! .. Likewise, they look to be eating well, as they look strong and healthy amidst their growth.
This I’m sure, will be a treasured moment in time for you never to forget! .. I feel blessed upon your sharings.
Thank you, Mama Lioness! A memory I won’t forget! Very exciting!
Such wonderful photos of the two cute cubs and their mom! Are the cubs still fine?
Hi Christa, the last time I saw the Nkoveni Female and her two cubs was on the 29th of April. They seemed fine and healthy then, which is good news!
Oh wow that’s absolutely gorgeous! What beautiful pics and what adorable Cubs!! Would have been so amazing to see! They are too cute! She looks like a great mumma too! ❤️
Happy you were able to spend time with these young ones and take exceptional photos! So very special!
This is a safari sighting dream come true!! Tiny active adorable fuzzy little spotty leopard cubs with their mama cavorting around! Just wonderful!
I’m so excited for you to view these two adorable cubs, whilst providing us with a fantastic series of photos documenting their practice session in climbing. Oh, to have been there!! Thanks Jess.
Gosh Jess, I just replied to Dan’s blog saying that I was sure it wouldn’t be long till the cubs would be seen and bam..the very next day there you are enjoying the most spectacular viewing of them all together. Stunning light and pictures..what a treat for you indeed 🙏🏻💗
What a cool sighting Jess, and I can imagine thrilling to witness in person!!❤️