The Tsalala Lioness Has Been Mating Again…
The Tsalala Lioness does not need much of an introduction, as she has long been a symbol of endurance and adaptability within Londolozi. She is a lioness who has shown …
The Tsalala Lioness does not need much of an introduction, as she has long been a symbol of endurance and adaptability within Londolozi. She is a lioness who has shown …
In the dense thickets lining the Sand River, a solitary Tsalala Female prowls with the grace of a leopard, her movements mostly shrouded in secrecy. A lioness of remarkable resilience …
Few, if any prides at Londolozi carry with them the same sense of longing for success as the Tsalala Pride does. The history of the Tsalala Pride is steeped with …
Although we are approaching mid-winter, we have yet to experience the bitterly crisp early mornings nor the constant golden winter light at dusk and dawn. With that being said the …
This week is dominated by warm hues as golden sunrises and sunsets abound. Winter is definitely setting in, and with it comes the excitement of chilly mornings and the anticipation …
This week’s Virtual Safari is all about lions. Our goal for the morning is to find the Birmingham Male after last week’s story. We follow tracks for a while heading …
Today’s Virtual Safari sees us following up on the mother cheetah and her sub0adult male the following morning after last week’s story. We find them perched on a termite mound …
This week we spent some time tracking the Ximungwe female as she leads us on a wild goose chase around her territory. The Tsalala female was seen and looking healthy …
It felt only appropriate to spend some time with Shan Varty when unpacking the lessons of motherhood, and especially lessons learnt through Mother Nature. There is a thread linking all …
The Tsalala Pride, as I’m sure many of you know, has been a major part of our lion viewing over the past two decades. Although, due to the shifting of …
We take an amazing peek inside the nest of a hornbill to see the newly hatched chicks, and catch up with the Tsalala lioness and her daughter on a wildebeest …
“Age is just a number” – a saying familiar to most of us. Sometimes humans would prefer to forget how old we are and many of us would rather limit …
I enjoy this whole Memory Lane thing. Even five years later I can still remember most of these sightings like they were yesterday. In fact driving through the reserve with …
The Tsalala female and her daughter dodged a proverbial bullet a few days ago, walking within 100 metres of the full Nkuhuma Pride where they were lying above the Manyelethi …
Having been out of the ranging team for around year now, making a move into the finance department, my time spent in the bush isn’t as frequent as it used …