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Kevin Power

Field Guide/Finance

Kevin hails from the small town of George, but we try not to hold that against him... After obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance at the University of Stellenbosch, Kev realised that town life wasn't for him for the moment, and ...

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on The Week in Pictures #462

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Beautiful photography award winning thank you for starting my day with joy and gratitude for these precious positive and uplifting photos.

Love your pics Kevin. Stunning.

Senior Digital Ranger

Love the sunset with the giraffe.

Amazing pictures of course I never have enough of sunsets, this one is made symbolic by the giraffe silouhette, but also of Tsalala update and leopard cubs! Very interesting eagles I love the picture of the fish eagles fighting. The crowned lapwing parental care is moving! Such a pretty bird with personality.

Master Tracker

Very uplifting photos in a downbeat world

What a wonderful variety of shots this week! I especially liked the interaction image between the two fish eagles.

Good job Kevin!

The photo of the two fish eagles is very dramatic. Good to hear from you again, Kevin. You and Tracker Ray provided me a “life-changing experience” back in Sept. 2018. I wasn’t terribly interested in visiting an African game preserve, but my partner was so I went along. I had no freakin’ idea! I was entranced. You and Ray took us practically from the airport in Skukuza to a pride of lions feeding on a downed kudu. I hope very much to return some day.

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow, those shots were lovely! The leopards and especially the shot with the Nkoveni female and the Maxims male is probably one of my favorite shots from you all ever. Perfect timing, the lighting, clarity…just wow! Thank you for the update and photo of the Tsalala female and her “youngster”. Her courageous heart and fortitude is such an inspiring story. What a soul!

Great photos. The Londolozi blogs are always the highlight of my day, especially now that winter is coming here and the problem is still around.

Great week of photos! As Leslie mentioned below, I look forward to these posts and wonderfully uplifting nature of the photos! Much gratitude!

Magnificent leopard shots Kevin !! In fact they are all just so. Love the hyena who’s coat seems to come from the grass. I’m sure you are chuffed to be back in Londolozi after the lockdown 🙏❤️

Loved the photos, especially the one of the Three Rivers female!

Hi Kevin,
Great pictures! You were our ranger a few years back, we had an amazing time!
Glad to see you’ve had eyes on the Tsalala lioness and youngster. I loved the sunset with Giraffe and the Leopard shots in particular.
Thanks !

You haven’t lost your touch Kevin! I’m not familiar with the Maxim’s male. Do you have any info?

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow Kevin, these photos are incredible

Kevin, great to see your post! Your images were really great. We added two of them to our favorites! The Three Rivers female shot and the action shot of Maxims male and Nkoveni are brilliant!

Beautiful, Kev…hope you are well

How can you recognize that is talk about male /female giraffe from suche a distance?

Lovely pics by you, Kevin! So pleased you have had such good rains!! I LOVE the Bush after the rain. The smells and scents are so rich and fruity! Thanks so much! Wendy M

Digital Tracker

Wow wow, the leopard photos are exquisite, just stunning!!! Well done!!! Of course all the pics are beautiful, but particularly loved the leopard pics, just amazing!

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