My Week in Pictures: Tony Goldman
Long-standing Londolozi guest, Tony Goldman, thoroughly enjoyed his second visit in 2022 where the game viewing and photographic opportunities speak for themselves. “My wife and I were fortunate to visit …
Long-standing Londolozi guest, Tony Goldman, thoroughly enjoyed his second visit in 2022 where the game viewing and photographic opportunities speak for themselves. “My wife and I were fortunate to visit …
When it comes to lions, Londolozi is a very exciting place to be right now. Over the past month, we’ve known of at least three females that have given birth …
It has been a jam-packed week of many incredible sightings, particularly of lions! A number of different prides have been seen around the reserve; including some that we have not …
The last week has been full of excitement, a tremendous amount of rain has fallen and the ground is saturated. This led to an interesting sighting starting off right in …
Paying attention to the sounds around us while out on safari is a massive part of tracking and finding animals. The environment is alive with sounds, and deciphering what they …
The competition amongst lions around a carcass always amazes me. One minute they are tearing each other’s heads off trying to get their fair share of the carcass, the next …
And just like that, the first month of 2023 is already something of the past. To wrap up the end of January, the bush has provided us with some incredible …
Spending time in nature is powerful. We as humans may not always be able to grasp its true power but every now and then, if we are open to it, …
Let me set the scene. You’re on your final afternoon safari at Londolozi. Your guiding team decides it would be a great idea to pour one last refreshing drink to …
In this week’s particularly predator-dense selection of photographic highlights, we cannot help but start off with the exciting news of us finally finding one of the Ntsevu Female’s dens. It …
Happy New Year everyone! I hope the Festive Season was a magical one for everyone. This week we celebrate a fantastic selection of images highlighting the lush greenery that adorns …
As we look back on the past year, it is clear that the love and appreciation for wildlife are alive and well. From the submissions of photographs for the Week …
It’s an extremely exciting time for us rangers and trackers here at Londolozi and the race is on! Just over a week ago, the Plaque Rock Female was found, and …
Having just passed the Summer Solstice in the southern hemisphere, the days are only going to get shorter as we begin our journey towards the end of summer to welcome …
Intrigued by the prowess and stature of lions, there is something special about spending a lot of time with them. More often than not lions will be resting during the …