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Patrick Grealy


Patrick was born and raised in Johannesburg and from a young age dreamt about living in the bush. He grew up going on family holidays to Madikwe in the North West where his passion grew. After high school Patrick went to the Eastern ...

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on The Brilliance of Buffalo

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One memorable sighting was exactly as you described. We sat on the opposite side of a watering hole as an enormouds herd approached. The entire event was filmed on a GoPro. Watching it at fast speed was remarkable

You might want to look up the meaning of the word “perineal”

I Patrick I love the buffalo smell, sounds they make, just sitting and watching then graze give me enormous pleasure. These huge animals walk so graciously minding their own business. The calves are so cute and off course protected by the herd by walking in the middle. We were once in Kruger and were surrounded by a huge number of buffalo, which first left me anxious as there were so many of them. But they were feeding and walking and quite content.

Master Tracker

super article, being completely surrounded by animals either buffalo or especially elephants is a wonderful experience

Hi Patrick, buffalo are among my favourite animals, they look like ancient mighty Knights in their superb almost undefeatable armour. I’m always on their side, I feel for them for the many illnesses they got from domestic livestock and the clash against lions. I love and respect both species, there’s an endless rivalry of intelligence and pure strenght between them. Old bulls touch me in particularly, once i watched a documentary where old bulls were helping each other against other bulls and lions, their solidarity is moving!

What an amazing sight, more than 300 buffalos at one waterhole. A wonderful treat for your guests.

Buffalo are one of my favourite herbivore species. Their relentless war with lions, seeing them stand up for each other and risk their selves to help one of their fallen and watching them go out their way to kill cubs if they get the chance.

The Dagga Boys deserve respect.

Thanks for this little profile of the water buffalo herds Patrick, and especially the evolution of the bulls from young up and comers to elderly, but solitary statesmen!

Thanks Patrick for a look at a wonderful way to end a game drive. Buffalo are truly impressive animals.

Senior Digital Ranger

Where to look? At the calves of course! Or at whatever buffalo happens to be staring at you at the time, lol. Nice story.

A heard is quite something to behold- the senses are truly overwhelmed! How long do they live on average I wonder?

So many great buffalo images. A bachelor herd of three cranky old bulls in a small mud wallow was our first sighting when we arrived. I love the various textures on their faces, and the expressions that accompany them.

Patrick, you’ve included dramatic and beautiful images of this much maligned bovine. They’re not handsome but they possess a presence that is both strong and intriguing. My favorite sighting was in Londolozi, April 2021, when Kirst received the call a Buffalo was giving birth to its calf. We just missed the event, but sat in awe as this little one struggled to find its feet and balance, with mom looking on proudly. All around this momentous happening were no less than a couple hundred of other friends and relatives! A scene I will always cherish!

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