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Kate Arthur

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After a few years of working in the world of economic consulting, Kate’s love of adventure, wilderness and sense of curiosity led her to move away from the city and join the Londolozi guiding team. It was amidst her years of studying politics, ...

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on The Week In Pictures #585

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Senior Digital Ranger

WOW amazing shots of the cubs I especially love the ones with the adult male.

Thanks Mark!

I heard that the Tsalala lioness got injured, i’m glad to see it doesn’t look too bad. Hopefully it heals without infection. The Styx pride numbers are very impressive.

The cub pulling it’s dads tale has got to be my favourite this week.

Thanks Tony. Agreed, given her proven resilience I am sure the Tsalala lioness will recover soon!

Senior Digital Ranger

I really wish the Tsalala lioness could catch a break. She’s been through so much in her life. Dear Lord, come to her aid and make haste to help her. Amen!

Thanks Lisa! I also hope that – I am sure her resilience and strength will continue to carry her.

What an exciting week of lion sightings! Great photos.
The poor Tsalala lioness, I do hope that this gash will heal soon and well. Being out in the bush on one’s own, like this lioness, is really not easy.
I would have liked to see all these lions lying on the airstrip surrounded by hyenas.
Great photos, all of them.

Thanks Christa! Me too, but I am sure she will recover soon as the gash doesn’t look too deep. Stay tuned for the blog coming out during the course of this next week!

For me Robbie’s photo of the male lion with cubs is my favorite this week. It beautifully conveys a fleeting moment between them. 🦁🤩❤️

Thanks Marcia! Agreed, Robbie’s shot is spectacular!

Wonderful TWIP!! The lion cubs as they cavort around Dad are adorable! But the fave overall is the second photo of the elephants in the water with tusks aligned. Really a wonderful shot! We were sorry to see that the Tsalala lioness had a gash. I am truly surprised she has made it this far! I wish she could have found a pride to join, not an easy task I know!

Thank you very much Darlene! The images of the elephants playing in the water is amazing!

Kate & Robbie, Well done!
It was very interesting to see and read The week in pictures! It must have been an exciting week… Beautiful photos! Hard to chose!
I really love the photo of the little cub that playes with the tip of dad’s tail!
Beatiful to see the lioness helping the small cubs back to their mother…
The photo of Ntomi Male is really good, their he sits after the attempt to take catfish as a good meal…
Tsalala lioness, she was very lucky that they didn’t harm her eye! It can’t be easy being the last remaining lioness of her pride… The white backed vultures colors blend perfectly with the tree! Beautiful!
Fantastique sight with the elephants! It is fun to play in the water… A little fight can be fun and good training… I will look out for the blog post when The Stryx pride was surrounded by more than 20 hyenas! That must have been an very interesting & fantastic sight!
Thank you for sharing!

Thank you Ann! I am so glad you enjoyed this week’s images so much. Stay tuned for the blog on the Styx pride that will come over the course of this next week!

So many wonderful photos this week, that you make it difficult to choose one. The elephants play-fighting in their water hole was charming, and the sad-eyed portrait of Tsalala with her head gash was heartbreaking, but ultimately I chose Robbie’s amusing image of the Ndhzenga lion’s tail being chewed by a Ntsevu cub – priceless!

Thanks Denise. Agreed – those images are all firm favorites from this week!

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh… my 💔for the Tsalala lioness. She is so strong, beautiful & lonely. The beauty & strength of nature is overwhelming but also so cruel & unkind… I wish her the wisdom and skills she needs for survival…

Agreed Barbi – nature can be cruel but the Tsalala lioness’s tenacious resilience is what keeps her going and I am sure she will recover well.

Thanks Robbie and Kate, a lovely TWIP. My favourite has to be “playtime!” – the look on the lion’s face as the cub pulls his tail is priceless!
Looking forward to the blog on the Styx lions and hyena on the airstrip, must have been awesome to watch the interaction.

Thanks Suzanne. Agreed, Robbie’s images this week were amazing!

Another great TWIP Kate! All the images were terrific, but I’m always rooting for the Tsalala loins! Her persistence and tenacity are amazing!!

Thanks Paul! Agreed, well said!

Hi, as usual it’s very hard to choose, all pictures are superb, elephants are great and the cats are fantastic. The Ntomi male is so handsome! And the Tsalala female is a lovely lady, I’m sorry for her gash,it is in contrast with her peaceful face. Not to mention the adorable cub! But my Nr One this week is “Father and Children/Cubs”… such special pictures, they touch the hardest heart deep down. Pure magic

Thanks Francesca! Agreed, Robbie captured some incredible moments this week!

The Ntomi male leopard is my favorite this week, where he is sitting by the water hole. Also loved the elephants playing in the water. So sad to see the Tsalala female with that gaping wound on her head. She has survived so much and know this wound cannot be good for her. But she is an excellent lionessess and she will overcome this wound soon. Beautiful foto of the Tawny eagle in flight.

Thanks Valmai – those are all great images!

Ntomi male always my fave but the dad getting his tail pulled takes the cake this week for me 🙂

Thanks Anita. Both images are great!

Play Time! – what a super pic. With all the chaos and circle of life crises that play out daily, this reminds me of the simplicity of some of the little things that make the bush so special. thanks for sharing.

Thanks Andrew, I completely agree.

Senior Digital Ranger

All fabulous photos, love seeing pics of the Tsalala lioness and finding how she is coping on her own even though she looks a little battle-scarred at the moment but my favourite one is definitely the cub playing with his dad’s tail, just so precious.

Thanks Moira! Agreed, the images of the lion cubs are a firm favourite from the week!

All great photos this week…..but my favorites are the lions cubs and the Ndzhenga males interacting!

Thanks very much Lisa!

Master Tracker

This is a vintage week for TWIP

Fantastic photos


Best wishes



Thanks very much Ian!

Kate, while I like the shots of the little lion cub face on and the spectacular sunset with the dead tree brach, my favorite this week is the full face and body shot of the Ntomi male.

Thanks William! Robbie captured some incredible moments this past week!

Loved the male lions and cubs particularly the play shot ! So cute !

Thank you Kara, those are incredible images!

Priceless picture of the cub playing with papa’s tail! What do you think will happen to that lone Tsalala lioness? Will she integrate another pride or does she run the risk of being killed?

Digital Ranger

Thanks for the great record of unique sightings, especially the lion/hyena and lion/cub sightings – that were so special and memorable.

My favorite image this week is the black and white of the male lion and cub. I hate to see the beautiful face of the Tsalala female marred, but hopefully she heals quickly and doesn’t get an infection. Glad her altercation wasn’t worse.

The Cubby pulling on dads tail is a special photo! Thank you for all the great photos!

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