While out on game drive recently, I saw a genet eating something on the ground, and on closer inspection is was a flower, or at least what looked like a …
I recently joined Trainee Rangers Kirsten, Patrick and Kyle on a morning drive. We had two incredible lion sightings; the Birmingham male first and then the Tsalala female with her …
Take a good look at the photo below. It is of a lion’s paw lunging in to grab a buffalo calf. Wild! We weren’t there to see this action take …
We’ve touched on this momentous event far more on some of our other social media channels, but feel we can’t go on enough about how excited we are to have …
Looking for wild dogs (or painted wolves as they are also known) is no easy task. This was a pack of over 10 dogs, which would inevitably leave a good …
A couple of days ago we published a post about the first of a great run of sightings that senior ranger John Mohaud had with his guests. Today John recounts …
Wild dogs are rare enough as it is, so to see them with pups brings a whole new dimension to a sighting. They den in the autumn and winter, so …
Whilst lions and buffalo or lions and hyenas are often touted as being the most iconic of Africa’s wildlife rivalries, one that often escapes the limelight is that of hyena …
It’s not often that we see honey badgers here. There are quite a few around, but their nocturnal habits make sightings hard to come by, and more often than not …
Every year as winter slowly rolls in, everyone gets excited for something that the change in season brings about. For some it’s the change in temperature as we move from …
Tracker Judas Ngomane and I were following wild dogs on a hunt. Andrea Sithole and Sersant Sibuyi had found them at Finfoot Crossing in the Sand River at first light. …
The first and most obvious argument is that other predators are dangerous to hunt, and it would be illogical for a lion or leopard to see a conspecific as a …
The Tamboti female leopard had had a successful day, killing a vervet monkey in the morning, which she dragged to her 10-month old cub for it to feed on, and …
A winter almost never passes at Londolozi without a hippo bull succumbing to injuries sustained in a territorial fight. These gargantuan herbivores are armed with enormous and lethal teeth, and …