Predators carry with them a sense of allure and wonder. Most likely due to their elusive nature, their innate sense of stealth brings with it a feeling of mystery. The special adaptations that each carnivore has in order to successfully catch and bring down its prey always leaves me impressed to witness. However, one of the most interesting aspects of predator behaviour, in my opinion, is the inter-predator conflict we are lucky enough to experience in such a predator-rich environment here at Londolozi.

A fully mature male lion sits right atop the predator hierarchy with no other predators posing much of a threat to him.
All predators are looking for the most efficient way to expend as little energy as possible to gain the most in return. This means that very often carnivores will look to steal a well-earned meal from another animal that they are able to overpower. If we had to look at an official predator hierarchy it would look something like this:
- Lion
- Spotted hyena
- African wild dog
- Leopard
- Cheetah
This official ranking, however, does not always hold true as each species bar leopard and cheetah will frequently be found in groups of more than one which, with the reliance on strength in numbers, can overthrow a higher-ranked species.
Personally, my favourite interaction is between hyenas and wild dogs. On paper, if you compared the size of a hyena versus a wild dog the hyena wins every time but this doesn’t include the wily nature of the wild dog. Their nimble build combined with the strength of the pack allows them to quickly nip at the ankles and rear of a hyena before darting out of range of the powerful bite a hyena could deliver before another dog is following suit. The back and forth nature of these interactions is only amplified when there is a kill involved which leads to myriad different noises coming from both species. This is precisely what happened on one of the most drama-filled mornings I’ve ever witnessed.

A pack of wild dogs look for their opportunity to chase two hyenas off the remains of a stolen impala kill
Ranger Jess Shillaw and I had both decided that morning that we were going to take our respective guests down to the southwestern part of our reserve to look for a pack of wild dogs that had frequented the area. Looking for wild dogs can be difficult as their ability to cover large distances in next to no time is rivalled by none, so we were working together to cover as much ground as possible looking for any signs of them. Tracker Tshepo Dzemba and I had stopped to look at what we had hoped were wild dog tracks in the road when all of a sudden we heard the high pitched squeal of a hyena.
We jumped back on the vehicle in haste and off we set to try and find the hyena. Our initial thinking was that the hyena was getting harassed by the pack of wild dogs but as we arrived on the scene we realized it was a very different situation.
Large handsome male found in the deep southwestern parts of the reserve.
Walking towards us was a hyena carrying the remains of an impala with the White Dam 2:2 Male hot on its heels. The leopard was most likely the predator that caught the impala but had been robbed of his kill, however, he was still marching down the hyena to try and find an opportunity to possibly grab it back and quickly hoist it to the safety of a nearby tree. Luckily for us, the hyena dragged the impala right into the middle of the road where the rest of the sighting can be seen in the video below.
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The fact that there were at least two hyenas when the wild dog arrived meant that as one hyena was eating the other would guard against the advancing canids. The incessant whining and whooping calls of the hyena made sure that more and more reinforcements arrived on the scene to leave both the wild dogs and the treed leopard coming up short on having any further part to play in finishing the impala. On this occasion, the predator hierarchy did hold true but each scenario in the bush will always play out differently and there are certainly times where the underdog does come out on top.
I wonder what would happen if leopards got united as lions and wild dogs are. No more easy targets!
Hi Francesca, could you imagine the sight of 10+ leopards all together in a “pride”! It would be quite the spectacle! You’re right it would certainly make them less of a target.
Barry, what an incredible sighting! We think they’re just were not enough wild dogs in that pack to pull off the steal. It also made sense that the leopard looked for safety in a tree with an excellent lookout over the scene. Thanks for sharing such an incredible experience!
Hi Michael & Terri, I think you’re right there weren’t enough wild dogs and they also weren’t ready to risk getting an injury from a bite from the incredibly strong jaws of the hyenas.
Great video with the hyenas and the wild dogs. Thanks Barry!
Glad you enjoyed it William!
There is strength in numbers.
Hi Barry, unfortunately I do not get a video, only ‘view this post on instagram’. Which I don’t have…….
Apart from that, lovely topic and good pics!
Hi Irene, sorry about that hiccup. You should be able to view the video if you click play while in our blog. If you try and go through to Instagram, you will not be able to play it without a profile.
What an exciting episode/sighting! Seeing the leopard trail the hyenas with his kill would be amazing enough! But the sounds of the hyenas laughs and the wild dog yips made for a compelling drama! Lucky you to have seen it all!
Hi Mary, a great sighting always includes not only a visual aspect but also an audible one. Glad you enjoyed the video!
Totally crazy scene! Good job!
Thanks, Vin!
What a grand spectacle, Barry and Tshepo! Three different species of predators fighting for the prey. Just amazing!
Thanks for the great video
Hi Christa, it’s always amazing just to see one species of predator so we felt very lucky to have seen all three at once.
Great blog Barry with some interesting facts and a super video. So true that each meeting of the predators can have some very unlikely outcomes some of the time.
Hi Cally, it’s always interesting to see how each different scene on any given day will play out and whether the underdog will come out on top.
Had the hyena stolen the kill from the leopard in the first place? It would be interesting to see the leopard and dogs chase the hyena off.
Hi Doug, we didn’t see the hyena steal the kill but we assumed as much based on the fact that the leopard was walking right behind the hyena looking for any opportunity to snatch it back. The leopard and the wild dogs realized that a bite from any of the hyenas could spell some serious injury for them.
Wow Barry that was an awesome video ,and just goes to show that once a predator makes a kill, it is not certain that they will be able to keep it. There is strength in numbers and as you have mentioned in your blog, a predator would rather steal a kill from another predator than to kill themselves. Reserving their energy is a better strategy for them.
Hi Valmai, exactly they are looking for the least energy expenditure for the greatest energy return.
There you go Barry, you were looking for wild dogs and by happenstance you found them. A ton of excitement on that drive and thanks for sharing with us.
Glad you enjoyed it, Leonie!
Wow, this is one of the best interactions I’ve seen between these three predators. It was hard to believe just two hyenas kept the wild dog pack at bay, as the dogs outnumbered the hyenas. As far as the White Dam male, he’s such a large leopard it’s interesting to note he gave up the kill, although I know leopards tend to avoid altercations to protect themselves from serious injuries. So the lesson here for a leopard is as soon as you take down your kill, hoist it in a tree asap, weight permitting!
Great blog Barry!
Hi Denise, you’re exactly right, he should’ve hoisted it to keep it safe!
Crazy cool sighting! The interactions are always so fascinating!
Hi Lisa, glad you enjoyed the video.
Wonderful coincidence that you and Jess were looking for wild dogs, and the wild dogs found you! I read an article recently about research looking @ how wild dogs and lions share the same habitat. They are experts at avoiding lions by staying out of open spaces and sticking to “scrubby thickets “, even when a lion was a mile away. According to this study, the next time you go looking for wild dogs hope you don’t see any lions! 😄
Hi Marcia, lions do pose the greatest threat to wild dogs…especially when they have young pups. It makes a lot of sense that wild dogs would therefore try their utmost to avoid lions at all costs.
Wow, what an incredible sight to see! Amazing! I always feel for the cheetah, who really doesn’t have much luck with keeping its meal!
Hi Carly, cheetahs are my favourite animals and you’re right they are at such risk of losing any kill that they make.
What an exciting video! The original hyena was darn lucky his friend came up or he would have lost that impala to the wild dogs for sure!!! As you say, numbers mean everything. Even a male lion can lose if he is one against many but two male lions are probably pretty invincible as the Birmingham males have proven.