Virtual Safari: Ultimate Game Drive Highlights #74
This week we find ourselves bumping into two honey badgers, which initially started off as a fleeting glimpse, but through persistence, we managed to stick with them until one settled …
This week we find ourselves bumping into two honey badgers, which initially started off as a fleeting glimpse, but through persistence, we managed to stick with them until one settled …
In this week’s virtual game drives, we find ourselves in three sightings of some spectacular sightings with the Mhangeni Pride, the Picadilly Female, and the Plaque Rock Female. Starting off …
This week we spend a magical morning with the wild dogs shortly after having moved to a new den. Thankfully Greg was able to follow the pack as they moved …
An amazing week has been had by all that is Londolozi. Celebrating an iconic Nelson Mandela and all he stood for and did for the country and the world yesterday. …
After an exciting week that presented a number of different lions, scattered all across the reserve, the Birmingham Males are found with the Ntsevu sub-adults, in the far southwestern parts …
An exhilarating sighting of the Senegal Bush Male stealing a kill from two hyenas, that had in fact just stolen the kill from the Mashaba Female. Imagine watching this unfold …
What a week! Resisting the urge to break the news of the wild dog pups to you for a few days has been painful, but now that it is posted …
Yet another week has come to an end in a year that is rapidly flying by. In attempting to summarise this week, it took a while for me to work …
There has been a lot going on this week, but the news of the wild dogs has definitely caught the spotlight. We start off with a throwback to a pangolin …
Young rhino calves are always amazing to watch as the whole world is new and they go through their days handling the sensory overload. The young calf sticks very close …
This week we start off with an afternoon with elephants as they quench their thirst at some of the larger waterholes on the reserve. Processionary caterpillars on a brisk morning …
This week we spent some time tracking the Ximungwe female as she leads us on a wild goose chase around her territory. The Tsalala female was seen and looking healthy …
Lions have seemed to steal most of our focus over the last week with the rediscovery of the five Ntsevu cubs. Somehow they had evaded us for over a month …
The week was filled with many great sightings, the Ximungwe female’s cub has been viewed a few times and is becoming a lot more relaxed. The Nkoveni female and her …
Wild Dogs surge across the Sand River and we spend some extended time with the Nkoveni female leopard as her nervous cubs are hesitant to approach across a clearing… Enjoy …