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Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on Day 3 – Returning to Breath

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The wind always carries a message and the leopard can see into your soul.

Love this

Senior Digital Ranger

Really enjoyed this one, it made me quite emotional. I generally do a lot of inner work, this is another reminder that there’s always more to be done. Thank you for this special gift 🙏🏻

I find with each meditation more clarity and an incredible sense of peace.

Thank you – this practice has really helped me start my day with a fresh outlook

This is helping me so much. I enjoyed talking to the animals. The leopard said, among other things, “Relax. Be silky. Be smooth. There is game afoot. Your needs are abundantly supplied. Take a walk, you will find what you need.”

A sense of peace is obtained through
these exercises.

The animals remind me that to heal I must continually look deeply to break the subject/object understanding (duality) that is the product of human condition.

A beautiful practice today. The leopard, cheetah brought me peace and life lessons.

Just breathe. Stay calm when life feel overwelhming. It always sort itself out again. Nature heals itself. So do we.

The animals running toward me as I sat still waiting for them was so joyful it made me tear up. The trees always have wisdom for me – be steady, standing still in your power is the only way you can offer your gifts. And that leopard stared right at me, reminding me that I know how to meet life right where’s it at and that I am safe in my aliveness. Just beautiful, and I love hearing your voice 😉

I loved your response – “standing still in your power is the only way you can offer your gifts” ! How true!

Thanks Kara! 🙂

I cannot express how happy I am to see Londolozi embracing a shamanistic attitude. I cannot visit now, physically – oh, how I wish I could! – so I will shape shift in my dreams and visit as a ghost of Hyena….because, we all need to speak for the earth now, and loudly, with power….

Thank you. A true gift. Loving the connection to the animals.

Thank you! Another excellent meditation. I love the stillness and the inspiration that comes from that stillness. I hear so much listening to that stillness. I also loved the quote about thought “We do it constantly, but often automatically, reactively, with very little conscious attention to how it is impacting our existence”. I am getting better at pushing out negative thoughts, but must work yet on cultivating the positive.

I was able to completely be in the moment with the leopard when you brought it up. Even remembering a special moment with leopards. I remembered the feeling of Mashaba walking by our vehivle and pausing to look up at me. It was a pure feeling of inquisitive wonder that I saw in her eyes and for me, it was a feeling of joy and a connection I will never forget. Thank you.

Beautiful meditation today. Literally felt like I surrendered myself completely to the feeling of warmth and being in th wild… it felt like half an hour of being there. Didn’t want to leave!

So powerful! Thanks for this lively inner voyage.

Senior Digital Ranger

This meditation, accompanied by Alex Jordon’s astounding photo was exactly what was needed now. Being guided calmly like this, with the nightjar calling as well, is so healing when all of life seems to have fragmented, mentally and physically. Thank you too for the animal cards, each one a prayer for healing a challenged and unnatural life. I value these moments of deep meditation and guidance.

The leopard knows when to let go.
Thank you for this practice.

The leopard is one of my favorite animals and to have the question asked by the leopard, “What message do you have for me?” really made me think. I thought about how the leopard lives and survives as part of my reflection. Thank you.

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