About the Author

Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on Day 4 – Finding the River

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You must trust that good things will come to you. Perhaps they are borne on the river.

Love this

Some ‘aha’ moments just flowed in as i reflected in my journal. Thank you again.

I loved seeing my river and feeling so comforted having it appear so easily and with such detail. Truly calming and cleansing session. Thank you so much.

Listening to this everyday for 4 days along with Boyd’s 40 Days and 40 Nights podcast has brought me back to the peace and tranquility of Londolozi

Senior Digital Ranger

Today I felt myself let go of the shore and flow freely through the images and a weight started to lift.

Thank you for this…. I’d never thought of a River in this way, not only a lifeline to all things in nature, but to apply its energy to our bodies as well.

Really, really love this one.

This one has been my favorite, so far. The journal segment is incredibly helpful and eye opening. Thank you!

Nature does give. We receive so much everyday.

Senior Digital Ranger

How calming the element of water, the visualisation inspired by the meditation today was so welcome. Thank you.

Today’s material really meant a lot for me. Not sure if it’s because I’m getting the hang of meditating or the river theme truly did speak to me. I thank you Londlozi for all that you do yesterday, today & tomorrow

Thank you, Boyd, I really needed that one today. I must be the busiest person on lockdown that I know, and I am going to stop trying so hard to get through my to-do lists…and flow more freely through this day and these times. As one of my shaman teachers said: We are HumanBeings, not HumanDoings:-)

I found today’s meditation and card so full of hope and possibility. There are definitely times when I am stuck in the day to day and before I know it a week has passed and my intentions have slipped by. These meditations help to me be in the moment and to see the abundance and possibilities clearly. Thank you!

It is helpful to try to keep my life flowing smoothly like a river. A smooth river – not a wild rapid one… One can wish…

I am most grateful for the river and it’s flow. Having grown up on her banks, she brought a young girl her unburdening gentle flow, healing spirit, reflections and gift of presence. I experienced meditative states with out trying. A desire to love nature and nurture. Thank you… so well said

Beautiful! Thanks for this experience 🙏🌞

Beautiful and super relaxing!

Thank you for the peaceful connection to a natural flow.

Rivers change over the course of their life to continue to bring life, so do I.

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