About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on My Favourite Birds Of Prey

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Stunning images Andrea. Amazing video.


Very, very nice photos and video

Trevor Patrick

Wow Andrea how do you get those shots?? I always struggle with light and when the light is good the bird takes flight…. Have to teach me next time. Simply brilliant!

Thanks Trevor. The trick is often to over expose by a stop or two when shooting up into the sky! Hope that helps.

Thank you Andrea. Every time I come back to Londolozi, my eyes are always searching for my favorite bird of prey, the majestic Bateleur. They are all magnificent but this bird is special.


Good to know that sighting still stands up – all the best to you wonderful people at Londolozi.

Lori Bergvall

Gorgeous photos. Thank you for bringing these majestic birds to our attention Andrea.

Always a pleasure Lori!

Jill Grady

Beautiful pictures Andrea! You have certainly managed to capture the regality of the different Eagles. The video was also fantastic Sheena!

Thanks Jill!

Rocco Rossouw

Great Birds.
always a pleasure

Love all the shots. You make it look easy to get them to pose for you! Loved the goshawk with the black mamba. Funny name for a golden brown snake.

Love these photos, I’m brushing up on my birding and loving it. Thanks for sharing Andrea.

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