About the Author

Trevor McCall-Peat

Photographic Guide

Trevor joined Londolozi from Balule Game Reserve, and with this head start in guiding, he was up and running in no time as a Londolozi Ranger. Trevor has a unique style in photography, capturing images from fresh angles that most wouldn’t see. This ...

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on The Week in Pictures #188

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Senior Digital Ranger

I love the first one of the male lion. It seems so silent and peaceful with the dark background that you can almost hear what he is thinking.

Stunning images Trevor! Love the lions and the tree agama.

Great photos Trevor! I especially like the one of the Tamboti female head shot in the tree. The sharp contract between the rough bark of the tree, her smooth coat, then the “no texture” blue sky is stunning!
Welcome back! I always enjoy your photos!!


Trevor – very nice, and different!

Senior Digital Ranger

Pictures are wonderful! My favorites are of the two male lions. It is always hard to choose something other than a leopard which I love so much. Liked the interesting Agama and the Zebra too

Jill Grady

Wow, these are all really fantastic images Trevor! I think my favourite is the close-up of the Matshipiri male…the eye contact is really powerful, followed by the Tree Agama…that must have been a hard one to get and the last image of the incredibly beautiful Tamboti female. Thank you for another week of interesting blogs and fantastic pictures. Have a great weekend!

Sean Lloyd

Great shots Trevor

Have the Matshapiri males had any contact with any of the prides and who won the fight between Piva and Inyathini? Great photos Trevor they are truly wonderful.

Senior Digital Ranger

Welcome back “home”! Stunning pictures all, but my fav is the Tree Agama. I love seeing the small things on offer in the bush. Have a good weekend

They are all wonderful shots. I think the dramatic effect of the Matshapiri male appearing out of the darkness is my favorite.


Awesome pictures Trev – loved them all but kept going back to the Zebra

I will always choose the lion photos as my favorites, but I also love the one of the buffalo laying down in the river. He looks so relaxed and peaceful.

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