About the Author

Tom Imrie

Field Guide

Tom is the voice of wisdom, reason and logic on the Londolozi Ranging Team, as well as all the other facets that go hand-in-hand with being an intellectual far beyond the realm of most mere mortals. There are very few subjects under the ...

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on The Mexican Poppy – An Unwanted Beauty

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It is so difficult to get rid of invasive species. It seems to me as if plants with yellow flowers are the most invasive. Good luck. Hope you win this war.

Very interesting Tom. Best to get rid of those and a few beers definitely helps motivate the cause. 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh Tom that was wonderful! You made my Saturday evening with the goat anecdotes. Thank you & have a lovely Sunday digging out weeds – good for the figure I believe!!!! 🙂

Jill Grady

Really interesting blog Tom! It’s amazing how quickly invasive plants can take over an entire area, and are so difficult to get rid of. I love the picture of the Sparta male…wow, really looks like he had a rough day! 🙂

Brian C

You made me laugh out loud with “rent a goat” and how the leopards might respond. What a shame that such a pretty flower is attached to a spiny, invasive, toxic plant!

Jan Baldwin

A great lesson to be learned, not just at Londolozi, but here at home, now that we are back in Seattle and maintaining our home. Invasive plants are a real concern here as well, and like you have discovered, many of them have ways of fighting back when attempts are made to remove them. Good luck in your efforts. A cold beer might take away some of the pain…

I love the lounging lion. I recall one such beast when we were with you on one of our morning game drives. They do know how to be laid back.

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