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Megan Kane-Berman

LCH Team Member

Megan grew up at Londolozi, where her love for nature blossomed. With a degree in Visual Studies and Social Media Marketing, her journey came full circle when she joined the dynamic Londolozi Creative Hub, where her love for nature and visuals finds its ...

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on 5 Insider Tips for an Unforgettable Safari at Londolozi Game Reserve

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Hi Megan, I agree with all those tips. I’d just like to add that Amarula also goes beautifully with hot chocolate on those morning drives!

Hi Suzanne, Amarula in hot chocolate sounds like a fantastic idea!

Hi Megan you have covered everything you need for an unforgettable safari holiday. From the beginning to the end you have stated everything one needs to just relax and have a wonderful, peaceful getaway at Londolozi. There is a lot to do besides going on the Land Rovers I search of the leopards and wild life. From being pampered with massages, to yoga classes or just relaxing by your own pool is a magnificent way of just cooling down in the heat. Londolozi is the epic safari lodge everyone should visit some time of their life. Showered with friendly staff at your convenience. Trackers and Rangers that drive you around looking for animals that you specifically asked to see. Truly the best safari ever.

Hi Valmai, I appreciate your kind words!

Great tips Megan for first timers, especially the Flavors section you highlighted. I’m looking to returning in 3 weeks to savor once again the South African specialties, especially the fabulous gin and tonic made with Clemengold gin, a favorite that can’t be found in the US. Books are definitely not worth bringing as there’s usually no time to read especially when the panoramic view from your deck keeps you mesmerized.

Hi Denise, I’m excited to hear you’re coming back soon. Enjoy the Clemengold gin and the incredible views!

Great Tipps, Megan

Thank you, Christa!

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