Involved Leopards

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Nottens 4:4 Male

Nottens 4:4 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

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About the Author

Kate Tennick

Guest contributor

After a few years of working in the world of economic consulting, Kate’s love of adventure, wilderness and sense of curiosity led her to move away from the city and join the Londolozi guiding team. It was amidst her years of studying politics, ...

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on 24 Highlights of 2024

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Hi Kate, your lovely and dramatic selection for the past year is something to remember. It’s a bittersweet collection, starting with the mythical Senegal Bush male. I honestly thought of him like some eternal mighty creature… now there’s his son to carry on his power. The Nkoveni Female is another example of resilience above all, and the last image seems herself at the mirror, instead of her son. He did inherited the superb abilities to win. The cubs and calves are awww- too much for words! New lives, new hopes. None the less many were unlucky. The hyena doesn’t even seem a spotted one, the picture is so nice. Aardwolves are very nice and I like them a lot, my favourite hyena type. The young giraffe with mum melt my heart. Zebras, giraffe, elephants, buffalo… and the hippos fighting are incredible. What a (raw) spectacle! The cheetah cub is a masterpiece and so the
Nhlanguleni female, an image of pure beauty. The expression of the poor Nkoveni young girl is priceless. Did the Kruger male disappear for good? Did the waterbuck calf manage to save itself? They have such a soft look with those big
eyes… thank you for this unforgettable blog

Hi Kate, all of your images are absolutely superb and each one is telling it’s own story. You really do have the best position in the house for viewing these magnificent animals. Nkoveni and her son are still my favorite, as the Ntomi male has all grown up. So we will be watching Nkoveni’s son with all his grace and beauty. My word there were about 35 red billed ox peckers on that buffalo. They are so special and it is the bird of the year. I see them here on the reserve when the Nyala bull comes to visit me, they usually follow him here and then they clean him. Off course not forgetting Mr Grumpy, Senegal bush male who still is a stunning male leopard.

Kate, thank you so much for this wonderful review of 2024. Your photos are spectacular and your comments are so meaningful. I’m sure everyone who reads this will have their own personal reaction based upon their individual experiences with these amazing animals. For me, every image of the Nkoveni female and her two cubs still brings tears to my eyes. We were so privileged to spend time with them in October.
We live in Los Angeles so the time spent looking at your post was a welcome relief from the awful reality we are currently going through. My family is safe, for the time being, but the entire community is sharing the suffering of our neighbors and the wildlife that cohabits with us. Thank you for turning my attention to the beauty of nature, in the midst of this terrifying display of its power.

Thanks for this wonderful collection of last year’s photos.
They are such a wonderful election of animals that should be remembered forever.
The one of the mega cute little Nkoveni female cub that was killed later in the year is especially precious.
It’s wonderful that the animals have such good chances to live their very special lives at places like Londolozi.
One also hopes, forever .

What a great trip around the sun!
Thank you for taking us with you…

Even a week on safari is worth a lifetime! How lucky are you all! Cheers to 2025 and more great adventures! Gorilla trekking in Rwanda for us this year!

Beautiful blog Kate, thank you.
I would love to see a honey badger, but given how rarely they appear in the blogs I’m guessing you’ve got to be pretty lucky! Does the time of year make a difference? – I always come in your spring or summer, and I notice your photo was in August.

Thanks Kate for your fabulous review of 2024. The pictures were really beautiful creating great memories for all.

Such a wonderful variety Kate, I’m sure narrowing it down was overwhelming. I appreciate you sharing these sightings with us. It was another magnificent year.

Thank you Kate for sharing your brilliant photography of the brilliance at Londolozi. I don’t know how you picked your twenty-four out of the oh so many.

You began with the old guard of male leopards and ended with the (hopefully) future. It doesn’t matter that they’re not related but that life carries on regardless. Your selections and titles are apropos for each month, highlighting the touching moments as well as those more aggressive. Your portrait of Nhlanguleni truly is magical, capturing the youthful spirit of her regarding her age. The giraffe calf suckling is a reminder that every animal is precious, no matter the species. May you continue to appreciate each and every sighting you encounter during 2025, remembering how privileged you are to witness the gifts that the bush offers each and every day during your drives.

Dear Kate, an amazing blog with such wonderful pics- exceptional. The desire to come back to Londolozi is growing and growing

Such an impressive collection of images by which to remember 2024 at Londolozi, Kate! While the year was special to you in so many ways, these photos document your skill and nature’s beauty!

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