About the Author

Barry Bath

Guest contributor

Barry grew up in Johannesburg and knew from a young age that he had a true love for the African bush yet it was only after spending several years in the corporate world in Europe, followed by a two year sabbatical of traveling ...

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on Reflections of a Ranger

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Your reflections inspire me to do the same here, at home.
A great article, Barry.
I have always admired the way you guides and trackers work together. And only a few hours on your vehicle have shown me that both of you – Tshepo and yourself – are an admirable team.

Hi Barry, thanks for story on reflection of a Ranger. It certainly was a journey you embarked on and came out being more experienced in what you love most, that being this beautiful land, Londolozi and it’s animals and everyone that’s part of it. Reflecting is a good thing, because you can see how you have changed and learned so much in the process. Beautiful foto’s you took, having your guests share your enthusiasm and having your tracker with you each day, can just be a privilege.

Thank you so much Barry for sharing your reflections and insight upon reaching two years in the bush. I remember conversations with you on Founders Deck, hearing tales from your travels and what led you to pursue your dream of connecting with nature. Complacency in the work industry leads to so much frustration, I believe, in part to a worker’s fear to leave a solid and familiar job rather than pursue a passion. It’s once you put the dollar signs out of your mind and concentrate on what will bring fulfillment and happiness, coupled with new experiences and life lessons, that excitement and satisfaction can occur. I’ll look forward to your 3 year reflections next year.

Beautiful and inspiring post Barry! Reflection is as precious as it is underrated in our world, and your blog is a brilliant reminder to take a moment and reflect. Thank you!

The cheetah, the lion cubs and the adorable Nhlanguleni little cub are my Valentine! Happy Valentine

Senior Digital Ranger

What a beautiful blog Barry, thank you for sharing your reflections with us. We both enjoyed it immensely. Taking time to reflect whether in the bush or at home in our daily lives creates a platform for gratitude and enjoyment of being in the moment but not losing sight of a longer term goal. Very best wishes to you and Tseps from us both.

Barry, thank you for sharing your thoughts on reflecting. I liked your phrase about pointing our compass and following in that direction. If we just allow experiences to happen our lives will be truly enriched, especially when we take time to reflect.

Barry, what a wonderful blog post. We so enjoyed hearing about the wonderful experience that you’ve had and how it is enhancing your life and helping you fulfill your dreams. We look forward to hearing how are you a year from now!

Written from the heart. Great post Barry.

A very inspiring post Barry. It has reminded me to reflect on all the wonderful things that surround me and diverts my attention from the scary things that are happening in the world today. Much needed, thank you!

Londolozi is a great tonic to all that is stressful in the human world. Love the photos and that little Nhlanguleni cub face is just precious! Say Hi to Tshepo!

Loved the quotes that preceded your view of where you were and where you are now within the Londolozi fold. I can certainly relate to the union as having spent 40 years in the yachting industry (of yesteryear when life was perhaps slower and more meaningful rather than a pure money making business it has become), we too had this wonderful feeling of comradely amongst crew members and what may have been just a few years spent together felt like a life time. Londolozi is a very special place which sadly I have not been able to visit for many years but I can certainly say that it has touched my heart and still remains a place I wish to return to, to reconnect with nature in an altogether different way..yet strangely connected to a life at sea ..away from the maddening crowd. Wishing you many many years to reflect on perhaps an annual letter to yourself Barry and just how wonderful your growth inwardly has been. 🙏🏻💕

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