About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on Secrets from the Sky

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Jill Grady

Great pictures Andrea, thank you for sharing! South Africa has such beautiful birds!

Thank you, Andrea, for the pictures of my favorite birds of Londolozi. A picture of a Bateleur hangs over my bed, watching me sleep–awesome!

Senior Digital Ranger

Many thanks for excellent photos and a great diary entry.




Lovely pictures and excellent stories.Waiting for more of these interesting stories.

Thanks for the comments everyone. Arden, Bateleurs are such spectacular birds – I am glad you enjoy them too!

Senior Digital Ranger

Andrea, you must have a wonderful telephoto to capture these magnificent raptors. Please can you try & post one of a Fish Eagle in full flight – that always makes my day better? Thank you for these two beauties <3

John Wilson

Hi Andrea, when we where at one of the other camps we were alerted to a Leopard by a Squirrel, our tracker told us how good they are at alerting on Leopards. Thanks for the great Bateleur shots.

Jan Baldwin

We just love the blogs and stories. My husband, Doug, and I, fondly recall the early morning safaris with Tom Emri and then excellent tracking guide Mishak. Those were some of the most memorable days spent on safari.

We loved seeing the leopards and are delighted to know they are thriving.

Thank you for those wonderful photos and to know others with big lenses are capturing and enjoying such wildlife memories.
Jan Baldwin

Jan Baldwin

We just love your blog postings and to see all the wonderful photographs of recent visits. We fondly recall our time spent with then ranger Tom Emri and tracker par excellence Mishak and our early morning drives, and know the visitors to Londolozi will be delighted at this amazing place.

We thank you for your blog and for sharing the beautiful photos.
Jan Baldwin

Talmage Rogers

I am astonished that no one has commented on the photo of the Tawny Eagle that opens the scenario from your web site and is the same as the 4th picture in. What is that in the upper middle of the bird’s chest? It looks for all the world like a young bird perched on the adult’s torso – albeit at a precarious angle and perch. Is this just an optical illusion from wind-blown feathers? Or is it something else?

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