About the Author

Dave Varty


Dave's story is too full and rich to tell in a brief blog bio. Suffice it to say that it is due to his passion, hard work and lifelong dedication to conservation that Londolozi is what it is today. One of the co-founders ...

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on Earth Day – A Story of Inspiration

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Master Tracker

It is always the bad news that gets the publicity. Nice to see some good news, especially after the news that is coming out of Zimbabwe on Yahoo yesterday about the effects of land encroachment on elephants and the increase in poaching as a result.

Gretchen Pachlhofer

Great news. While at Londolozi I remember the veil on all your faces when the helicopters flew over the reserve. Every time a helicopter flies over us here in the US, I say a silent prayer for the victims of poachers.


Dear Dave, I am sure it was heartening to hear that the Rhinos were being cared for at the highest level,, I too am heading to Vic Falls and on to Hwange for the first time since UDI hoping to witness how well Zim is taking care of its precious resources… thenn on to Capetown..Keep up the good work at Londolozi.

Lyn Pieters

Sara I do Hope you have a marvelous time in Zimbabwe. My family own a lovely lodge called Nehimba in Hwange National Park. they and others in the hospitality industry are continually doing everything possible to protect our wonderful diversity of wildlife. the park is looking splendid after wonderful rain and Hope you have a chance to see our lodge whilst you are there. Ian Khama is a truly inspiring man and Botswana is privileged to have him.

Thank you, Dave, for spotlighting the most magnificent creature (in my opinion, since I have a rhino tattoo on my right ankle). Poachers must be stopped immediately!

Susan Nethery

Hooray & bravo for Bots…..the animals are doing well!! but the people are not doing so well. Botswana has one of highest number of HIV/AIDS in all of Southern Africa.

Mike Bargh

Hi Dave, regards to your family. Wonderful to know how a government and should be a lesson to all governments all over the world , to protect there countries for the future benefit of the survival of this beautiful world we are so privileged to be a part of! Nice to hear that Map and Mike are still involved and doing such good work and have devoted there lives to this cause. I was so blessed to be a part of Londolozi and miss it so much. I also had the privileged to work in the Tuli block for a short period.

Lyn Pieters

Lovely heartwarming story. thank you Dave Varty. thank you Ian Khama for your dedication.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Dave for this Inspiring story. God Bless Ian Khama. His parents must be watching him & know that they did a wonderful job in raising such a caring son to watch over his land. I wish we could send all our beloved Rhino’s to Botswana, so they can be protected.

Lyn Pieters

Heart warming story. well done Botswana you have a great man in Ian Khama.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for sharing the good news on the conservation front.. It is all a matter of education in Africa and the countries that indulge in the use of these precious resources.. I hope that Botswana and their leader, Ian Khama, can stand as an example to the rest of Africa on how it is possible when all work toward the same goal.

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