Amiable Companions: Tsalala Female and Giraffe
There are many iconic rivalries in the wilds of Africa, some factual, some a bit more imagined. Lions and buffalo, leopards and baboons (leopards generally don’t bother with baboons at …
There are many iconic rivalries in the wilds of Africa, some factual, some a bit more imagined. Lions and buffalo, leopards and baboons (leopards generally don’t bother with baboons at …
Sometimes in the process of harvesting content from the guiding team, things get accidentally filed away and forgotten. I’m a firm believer in never passing up the opportunity to display …
Firstly, the answer to yesterday’s Mystery Bird challenge… The answer is a Green-backed or Striated Heron. There’s not a lot to go on, but the long legs and long crest, …
We didn’t manage to fit in a September memory lane post last month – too much content coming out of the rest of the lodge – but for the sake …
It had been a slow morning in terms of sightings, which had seen us traverse the south-western reaches of the reserve all the way to the southern boundary of Londolozi. …
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” John Muir The definition of to seek is to attempt, or desire to obtain or achieve (something). This …
After a heat wave of temperatures reaching the high thirties, it has been a chilly last few days with strong winds and far cooler temperatures. This made game viewing difficult …
The Ntsevu pride are by far the most impressive that we see on Londolozi. Currently 21-strong (6 lionesses and 15 cubs), and usually moving with one or more Birmingham males …
On a recent safari with guest Jackson Steele, his wife and friends, one sighting in particular stood out for us all. Jackson takes us through it below: Game Drive #5 …
No… But why? you may be asking yourself. If they could, they definitely would, as it opens up a whole realm of opportunity. Think of all the leopards kills that …
We haven’t had male leopard dynamics as complicated as this in years. With no less than 11 different males being viewed over the last week on a reserve that usually …
The Tsalala lioness has been confining her movements almost exclusively to the Sand River. The thickets provide perfect cover in which to hide her cub and hunt, and the game …
Another week passes us by, with no shortage of excitement. The Tsalala lioness and her sole surviving cub were seen looking healthy in the Sand River in front of the …
A pair of sub-adult male lions have been hanging around Londolozi of late, getting into a bit more trouble than they bargained for. I’ll be the first to admit that …
First up, the answer to Mystery Bird #16: The answer was a Burchell’s Coucal, which many of you got right. A combination of long tail, habitat (the green of the …