The Week in Pictures # 21
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any hotter, this week brought daily temperatures well into the forties. Despite having to wake up earlier in the mornings to beat the …
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any hotter, this week brought daily temperatures well into the forties. Despite having to wake up earlier in the mornings to beat the …
This week, the rains really came. We had several days where there was little break in precipitation, resulting in thickening green growth, vibrant colours, a rising river and many animals …
A wonderful element of the Londolozi safari experience is the night drive! Once you have finished sipping on your gin and tonic having watched the sun sink below the Drakensberg …
As mentioned in last week’s Week in Pictures, the usual suspects are back! This week we were treated to a wonderful variety of landscapes, and creatures big and small. I …
Things are heating up here in the bush, both temperature wise and in terms of lion dynamics. We recently received news that the four Southern Pride Males killed the last …
Spring has sprung and the bush is changing. The evenings are becoming balmy, the Jackalberry trees are shedding their leaves making room for new growth, the Knobthorns are in full …
It’s not a hard and fast rule, but most guides leave Londolozi having made a connection with a specific animal and that invariably turns out to be a leopard. Stoff …
The stage is now set for the “Battle of The Sands”. Potentially an epic clash that will see two Male Lion coalitions face off against each other is on the …
Great Tuskers are always a special sighting. Magnificent and established, these old bulls are a proud testament to strength, wisdom and peace in the bushveld. This last week saw such …
It was a cold July morning and they were all balled up in a mass of tawny hair underneath the glorious Ximpalapala Koppie. At that stage they looked calm and …
The Majingilane Coalition and the Southern Pride were close to each other. Both prides lying unaware of each other’s presence a mere 900 meters apart, we knew we were in …
Without hesitation, the four males went straight for the carcass, pushing aside the lionesses and fighting amongst themselves for scraps. Left with nothing the lionesses lay down leaving the males …
The lions had just finished roaring when we began walking. In the soft light of dawn, a chorus of birds marched along with us as we began the epic journey …
Two nights ago I witnessed where the alliances stand. A sporadic encounter between the two Tsalala lionesses and the Sparta pride was tragically unfolding when the Majingilane coalition put a …
The lion dynamics at Londolozi continue to be intriguing. Every morning the ranging team heads out into the bush hoping to link another piece of the jigsaw puzzle together. Quite …