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Adam Bannister


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on A Night Time Safari Experience

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Thanks Adam and Rich for bringing back so many cherished memories of night drive at Londolozi.
One drive began with the sighting of 3 male lions who rocked our souls as they roared right next to the vehicle – your recording gives me goosebumps and reduces me to tears, there is no more stirring sound. Another drive, lying on my back in the sand looking up at the stars (no, not too many puzas!) – then driving in very dimmed light to briefly view cheetah on the hunt, we soon left them in peace and followed 3 lioness and their cubs, who casually strolled by the vehicle. On the way back to camp finding a scops owl, a chameleon and a white tailed mongoose and thinking nothing could be finer after such wonderful sightings, enjoying the warm air, the smells of the night and feeling that my heart was filled with joy, and then nature produced yet another special experience, the moon rose above the trees and I felt like I had reached nirvana.
One day, I hope to return!

Liz you have capture the essence of what being out in the wilderness as night is all about. There are so many elements & senses which are heightened owing to the darkness and shifting in animal behaviour. And, of course, there is the beauty of scenes like the moon rising up above the trees. Thanks for your comment. Rich


Now you guys are really spoiling us ! Already having bathed my eyes in Talley’s weekly photographic potion, (and it was glorious) you then give us goosebumps from a cloud! and glowing sunsets – this weekend the other stars shining bright are the Londolozi Blog Team!!

Thank you Sheena, thats very kind of you to say that. Just listen to the male lion roaring anytime you want those goosebumps to return.

Adam and Rich,

The sunsets were amazing! The leopard video is so amazing and scary at the same time. The eyes were on you!

Thanks for the blogs – they hit my desk at just the right time after the insanity of the day! I look forward to them each afternoon. Keep ’em com in’ ! We will be back.

Great to hear Michael! Hopefully they took your mind off a busy days work and gave you a little bit of inspiration to be back here. Rich


I’m drooling. As always, great blog & pics.

Thanks Syl, much appreciated. R

Penny Parker

Goosebumps for days. There is something so special about the bush at night. When we start to head off to sleep, and the bush comes alive with sounds and smells and sights unbeknown to most. The deep roar of a lion travelling in the still night air, the whooping of a hyena to excite every heart, and the bush chorus of creepy crawlies and crickets chiming over the crackle of a brilliant camp fire to pull it all together. I feel so privileged to have experienced the bush at its best – and cannot wait to return as soon as possible.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend 🙂

I can’t get over how indifferent the animals are to the spotlight…thus making it possible to view their activities at night. We were there in August, too soon to enjoy another great aspect of Londolozi…but just makes me want to return even more—if that’s possible…to experience more adventures. In the meantime I’ll watch the videos and excellent verbal descriptions. Thanx.


That was the most incredible electric storm I’ve seen in the bush on that saturday evening game drive. Awesome experience, great to visit Londoz again and seeing the crew.

It was amazing wasn’t it! Keep your eye on the blog next week for a write up on how to capture great photographs of lightning based on the images I captured on Saturday

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