on The Week in Pictures # 21

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Penny Parker

Fantastic! what a wonderful week. Each encounter seems simply breathtaking. I love the Chinese lanterns blooming – The Sickle Bush is a most fascinating tree, with the most remarkable adaptations and uses.

Thanks Penny! I’m hoping to get some better photographs of the Chinese lanterns as well as other flowers in the weeks to come!


WOW Miss Smith, you have done it again – I am speechless (for which my husband thanks you!!!)
Every one a winner – how I love Fridays – you open our hearts and minds with your exquisite shots and
endless knowledge – and we love it !!!

Thank you Sheena 🙂 We are simply far too lucky to be seeing all this out here, so I feel it’s only fair to share as best we can!

Sandy Johnson

Thank you Talley for another set of incredible photos. The first one of the lioness is remarkable. I’m hopeful for her too.

Thanks Sandy. I’m actually not at Londolozi at the moment, but have been keeping tabs on her and as far as I understand she is getting better every day.


Love It ! Thank you. Those baby hyena look so adorable (hope they will leave the lion’s tails in future!)
Definately not the ‘scavangers’ people believe them to be… I do believe lion take their kills quite often.

Thank you for sharing. <3


Thanks Jeanne, I also hope they’ll leave the lions alone when they get older! You are absolutely right they are remarkable hunters, and I anticipate they will be hunting lots in the coming weeks with the newborn impala and other antelope around.

karine GAY


Yay! I knew they couldn’t have left us!!


As usual, you have produced a wonderful blog. The fabulous pics are presented with their explanations, rich in detail, which allows the reader to almost “be there”. Thanks again for another terrific look at life at Londilozi

Thanks so much Jody!


Wow. I loved the pictures and the stories behind them. I look forward to reading your blogs again in the future. Thank you for sharing 🙂

Thanks to you Sheila for reading!!


Hmmm…just to let you know, I clicked on ‘Subscribe Now’ in the top right-hand corner of your page and it brought me to an XML file. No need to post this comment, it was just to let you know!

Hi Sheila, the best way to subscribe is to write your email address into the subscribe now box, right hand side bar. Thanks for letting me know. Rich

Anna Summers

Hi Talley: Wonderful pics – I shall be following every Friday from now on. We all had such a superb
time at Londolozi and you being our ranger was very, very special. Congrats on successfully completing
your final ranger hurdle – we were very impressed on hearing of your prowess while at Jamala. Shaun
and Rod were the perfect hosts – we each had our own villa!!! Just fab!!
I hope to return next year with more “onions” in tow.
Stay happy and safe

Anna thank you so much! I had such a fantastic time with you guys and am thrilled to hear you had such a great time at Jamala. Can’t wait for your return visit next year… by then you’ll be like Zoe and know all the animals by name I’m sure! 🙂


Great pics 🙂 Just looked through the whole site with Adam and Richard (the Londolozi blogging team) here at Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. Gorongosa is inspired!!

Also, thanks to the guys for the practice game drive sundowner and gin tonicas on the famous lion house with our local guides. CHEERS!!!

Corina, I’m thrilled to hear that Ad and Rich are not only spreading joy through the blog but also though gin and tonics. The rest of us will be there next year!

Corina it was wonderful being at Gorongosa… we are the ones that are inspired. Truly wonderful. Privileged being at one of Africa’s wildest spots! For those of you who have not come to Gorongosa…you must go…it is MAGIC!!! Have any of you been ?

Verney Moyo

Great to see the injured lioness is recovering,…so much seems to happen within the reserve itself. The pace of wildlife interaction and activity is truly amazing…

Thanks Verney, I also find myself in awe every day at how much happens every day right before our eyes. The African bushveld is a magical place!

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