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Adam Bannister


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on Majingilane Coalition Rescue Tsalala Lionesses

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Thanks Adam you describe the scene so beautifully that I can imagine it as if I were there! So thrilled to hear the Tsalala girls have now got a team of 4 males protecting them, this is really great news for these incredible ladies.

WOW! What a powerful sighting this must have been. I got chills reading it Adam!
Very interesting in deed, glad to hear the Majingilanes are out to protect their females. Sure glad tho that the Sparta Females took heed to the warning and headed back off in the opposite direction.


See, I said the Majingilanes weren’t all bad !! Sounds as if you had a great sighting and I’m glad the Tsalalas lived to fight another day, too many of them gone already !!

Mele Andru

Thanks Adam for such beautiful moments you share with us .
Please , could you tell who were the 5 lions of Sparta ?? It will be very interesting to find if Solo – Tsalala young male attacked his aunts wich helped him so much in the past !!!!!!!

Tsalala Young Male was seen yesterday together with the injured sub-adult male from the Sparta Pride. AS for who the 5 Sparta Animals were…it was one sub adult male and 4 females.

Mele Andru

Thank you very much Adam ,appreciate your answer !
I hope Solo – Tsalala male not became an enemy for his mother and aunts.
Please when is possible tell us how badly injured is the young Eyerefield male ; I hope Solo will not loss another trusty friend . Maybe some photos with this young Eyerefield coalition .
Good luck !


This kind of commentary just makes me froth at the mouth for my visit to Londolozi in November! Love these blogs!

Great to hear Zoe, we will keep it coming for you 🙂


Great story Adam! Would have been fascinating to watch. I love Mele’s point re Solo/Tsalala young male attacking his aunts (who are probably the only reason he is alive today).

Would love to see photo’s of Solo/Tsalala young male and the young injured sub adult but I appreciate you guys are very busy and thanks heaps for all your great blogs.

Hi Linda, we will put up a photo in the todays blog post on the breakaway Sparta Pride. You will be able to see a picture of him in there.

wow talk about unfair odds, must have been amazing to be caught in the middle of such a stand off, luckily for some the Majingilane coalition appeared. I would have loved to hear the display of vocals!

The description was in depth and very interesting. The males lions mean business and it is a good thing for the Tsala pride.

Sue Edmunds

I went outside late this evening and looked up at the night sky to the Southern Cross and then over to Orion going over your article in my mind. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be in Africa witnessing events unfolding and hearing the roars of the lions. Thanks for a beautifully written update on the lions Adam.

Luke Galardi

Hello Adam,
Thanks for the update. Any new coalitions moving into the area as of late? Are the mapogos holding onto their territory in the western sector? I am truly grateful for the updates provided by your site and via youtube. The lion dynamics have become a passion for me, and I thank you and other contributors for keeping it fueled.


Hi Luke,

At present there are no new coalitions as the Majingilanes continue to enforce their dominance over much of the Eastern and Northern Sabi Sands. The remaining Mapogos are still holding onto their territory in the west. Recently they tried to move back East, however bid a hasty retreat upon sight of the Majingilanes.

The Sparta Pride are in a healthy state, although one of the females is mating with a Majingilane so we will see if she gives birth to cubs. In the North the four cubs of the Tsalala Pride/Majingilane are doing well.

Keep posted!

– Rich

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