Can Lions Count?
We aren’t going to go too deeply into a discussion of the relative intelligence levels of the big cats here, but it struck me the other day that a grasp …
We aren’t going to go too deeply into a discussion of the relative intelligence levels of the big cats here, but it struck me the other day that a grasp …
It’s fairly boring to be discussing the weather, but we were meant to be pretty much swimming our way out on drive right about now. The predicted rainfall for last …
This was one of those morning when more lessons were learnt than anything else. An epic sighting after which I was kicking myself for not being ready, so ended up …
You can’t buy experience. Nor can you buy a grey cap in the Londolozi Boutique shop. The colours we have on offer there are khaki, black, white and then there’s …
TWIP simply recounts the highlights of the week; it does not, however, reveal the hours we spend out there tracking and sometimes not finding the animals. With that further sense of knowing …
As most people have headed back to work for the start of 2019, things have continued unabated in the bush; a place where the wildlife knows no year or date …
Lions, lions, lions have been the call this week, as the Ntsevu pride have taken down a wildebeest, scavenged a kudu carcass, stashed their cubs a couple of times and …
Round 3 of Tony Goldman’s wildlife highlights is here, with another fantastic batch of photos! Tony sent us a wonderful large collection after his last stay, so we had to …
Today we continue with Londolozi guest Tony Goldman’s photographic series. Tony has been visiting us for many years, and when not on drive can be found moving silently along the …
Lions top many people’s lists of what they want to see when coming out to Africa. And for good reason. The apex predator of many of the continent’s more famous …
I’m home now or whatever that means, returning to my family. The thrill of being at Londolozi and its inherent families of various animals was only outshone by the staff …
“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera” – Dorothea Lange Why do we take photographs? Each individual will have a different answer to …
Londolozi guest Tony Goldman is back with yet another fantastic collection of images for our enjoyment. Tony has been very generous in the past with the sharing of his photographs, …
With the rains that we have had over the last few weeks, lush green vegetation has burst, and the herbivores of the reserve are looking a lot healthier with all …
Change is the only constant we have out here. Animals come and go, and more significantly – since it flows right past the Londolozi camps and through the middle of …