Involved Leopards

Thumbela 4:3 Female

Thumbela 4:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Ntomi 3:3 Male

Ntomi 3:3 Male

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Xinzele 4:4 Female

Xinzele 4:4 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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About the Author

Kyle Gordon


Kyle was born and raised in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. His childhood was spent scurrying barefooted along the banks of various rivers and dams, fishing rod ever-in-hand, enjoying the beauty and freedom of outdoors. Kyle obtained a degree in construction from UCT ...

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on The Week In Pictures #605

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Brilliant collection of photos this week Kyle! Having to choose a favorite each week is difficult as there are so many that are first place worthy. Saying this, after careful consideration, I love the Ndhzenga male staring at his cub. It certainly tells a story….

Wonderful collection of photos, Kyle.

Hi, fantastic pictures of the fighting stallions! But I agree with Denise, as I prefer family to violence, “Father and Son” is a favourite of mine. The Ntomi male is such a cool guy! The redback is absolutely lovely. To close I’m glad there’s a hippo showing off, I’ve always like them, so round and funny-looking but incredibly strong, able to cut a crocodile in two, and great vegetable eaters!

Such a wonderful array, Kyle. The zebras, Southern ground hornbill and reedbuck stand out.

Sorry, reedbuck! The automatic correction always changes my word

It is always so difficult to pick a favorite among so many stellar images. This week my favorite is Ndzhenga Male looks down at one of the Ntsevu Cubs. The composition and the use of black & white are just marvelous. Well done Kyle!

Beautiful photos this week! As always the cats were in abundance….but the light on their faces and eyes were really gorgeous!

I somewhat embarrassedly admit that given a choice between a leopard and Kelsey Clark to focus on, I also would have focused on Kelsey!

I love the Skorro male staring at the camera. I imagine the stallion battle was nerve racking to watch. I’ve been nipped by my horses on a few occasions and the idea of a full blown chomp to the neck makes me cringe. The reedbuck was an exciting addition. I don’t recall ever having seen one featured here before. Thank you for the lunch break distraction!

Kyle, great pictures this week as always. Thanks for sharing. The never ending battle between for mating rights is certainly on display.

My favorite pictures this week are zebras fighting. amazing shots!

Hi Kyle, I must say my favorite this week is the rare reedbuck. Such a beautiful buck and you are lucky if you see one of them. The Ndhzenga male looks quite grumpy as he looks at his cub. Stunning foto’s this week and a good variety.

Great week! Always impressed with the Ntomi Male…cannot believe how close he and the hyena were! Brave boy! Fave pics have to be tho greeting mum and Not right now! 🙂 Love it!

Incredible TWIP Kyle!! So much diversity all around. Impossible to choose just one!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Great series as usual. We met the Skorro Male twice during our recent visit to Londolozi. He is a beautiful male. Hope he sticks around for a bit!

Senior Digital Ranger

Excellent photos and post. The Skorro male photos is gorgeous. What a lion!

Senior Digital Ranger

What a splendid TWIP, Kyle – thank you so much. As always, there are so many favourites, it makes it very tricky to chose one. In this case, it’s the duelling zebra that get my vote. That must have been absolutely amazing to witness.

Great selection of photos, Kyle – makes it difficult again to pick a winner. Think I’ll go for Xinzele showing her agility in the tree, as it’s always nice to see a leopard on the move!

Master Tracker

Super photos, I love the Sunbird photo

Senior Digital Ranger

Fabulous collection of photos, loved them all.

Wow – what an incredible collection of moments. Love the zebra battle – so often they are caught in a docile pose – so this more aggressive aspect is wonderful to see.
I confess though – I am partial to the Xinzele female and her young offspring – they are simply beautiful leopards. Your image of her in the tree is just gorgeous – the way the light is dappling her coat – stunning! If I am not mistaken, our family was there at the same time that image of the young female was caught (with Matt, Terence and Jerry – what a team – miss them!) – so exciting to see her in the images! She was so intent on watching, it made a wonderful moment to get some stunning shots of her posed so beautifully on the rocks. It was very cool to go and find what had been holding her attention – and probably her mother’s ire – the unknown male leopard who had stolen her kill!
Your image of the young male drinking is a really striking image – the starkness of the black and white really seems to bring out a sense of quiet watchfulness, and even a little menace – it’s an amazing shot.
The colours in the image of the sunbird drinking from the aloe are beautiful – charming and whimsical!
Every image evokes some amazing emotions and moods – thanks so much for such diverse collection!

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