About the Author

Duncan MacLarty

General Manager

Duncan is the general manager of Londolozi Game Reserve. His first exposure to the reserve came when he met Bronwyn and Boyd Varty at kindergarten, aged 5, and was invited to visit by their parents Dave and Shan. He eventually returned in a ...

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on Honouring the Inimitable James Tyrrell

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Oh no! James you a are a legend to those of us in the extended Londo family. Your virtual safaris have kept us sane during many months of lockdown (and multiple cancellings of our next trip). Thank you for everything that you have done for many thousands of people….and best wishes on the next step of your journey from the Earle family.

James you will be soooo missed. I had a feeling something changing for you and I wish you many more successful days of tracking life ahead. Thank you for sharing the miracle of the wilderness with the glove.

Thank you, Duncan, for this heartfelt tribute to James, and for letting the online Londolozi community know of his upcoming departure. James, though I’ve not visited Londolozi yet, your weekly videos during the lockdown introduced many people around the world to the beauty and magic of this wonderful place. Like many others, I incorporated TWIP and the weekly safari drives into my pandemic routine, largely because of your creativity, enthusiasm and passionate curiosity for your work. You and your fellow rangers shared timeless messages from Londolozi and transported the rest of us away from the realities of lockdown to roam with the lions, rest with the leopards, or delight in stories about the wild dog pups. Thank you. You are one-of-a-kind and will be deeply missed. I join with the rest of the community in cheering you on as you find new places to share your spirit and your many gifts and talents. Best wishes!

I saw the notification and I knew it. He is quite the legend. One of my most memorable times was spent on private drive sitting below an amarula tree looking up at the Inkoveni female for hours taking photos with none other than James Tyrell. He has always been an inspiration and a joy to go on drive with and to be a part of sitting around the boma seeing his guitar sitting nearby and knowing, hoping that he might do us the honor and get the singing and laughter started. I came to depend on your blogs and updates that made me feel as if somehow I was still there – a part of the Londolozi life I can only dream about inbetween visits and now for the passed 3 year.You will be missed. I wish you all the best.

He was my favourite Londolozi guide. When I got the news that something was changing in the big cat dynamics at Londolozi, I always was expecting some interesting reports and blogs from him. And they did promptly arrive.

I will miss you so much, James. After nearly 10 years at Londo and all your TWIPs and weekly videos you will leave a massive hole, but I wish you the best for the future. So, where are you off to?

Senior Digital Ranger

As your armchair quarterbacks utterly gasp…we all wish you well in your future endeavors. With admiration and gratefulness that you shared your photographic talents as well as your joyful (and as noted, grammatically correct) descriptions of the Bushveld sitings with all of us!

James, I’ve never met you and never, even, been to Londolozi, but I have loved your blogs and amazing photography skills, which are a constant reminder of wonderful days, long gone, in southern Africa. I was sorry to hear that you were leaving but I wish you all the very best with your future plans.

Oh no what a shame. James has helped keep me going during these horrible boring lockdowns. I was so looking forward to meeting him in person when I return next year. Please pass on my sincere thanks and appreciation to him and I wish him every success in his new adventures

Senior Digital Ranger

What a beautiful poem and tribute Duncan, to a wonderful human being. James will be truly missed, but always remembered. Love and best wishes from JR and Jane

Thank you Duncan for this beautiful “good bye” poem and article for James.
Sadly I have never met James in person at Londolozi, however, he has been present in my life during the last years on a nearly daily basis thanks to all the wonderful blogs, photos and videos.
Thanks a lot James for all your contributions. You are really one of Londolozi’s Greats who has brought Londolozi into many families all over the world. Your articles and especially your wonderful videos always created a yearning for the bush, the wish to go to Londolozi again and again to be able to see all the amazing things you experienced.

Oh James, too too sad you are leaving. You have brought Londolozi into our homes and kept our hearts and dreams with the amazing wildlife. You will be sadly missed, Good Luck in you future adventures.

James your talents will be so missed. But I know I speak for everyone when I say safe travels as your life moves on. We love you and appreciate the magic you brought to all of us. All the best as your journey continues

Senior Digital Ranger

James – together with the Londolozi Team you helped to carry us through the long months of lockdown with wonderful stories, incredible photos of sightings and video mini-safaris which lifted our imagination and souls to greater heights and, on a daily basis, gave us so much more to dwell upon except the rot of Covid worries! We know you will be sorely missed. Thank you so much and best of luck going forward.

AHH James. Though I don’t think that I have ever met you when at Londolozi I do feel like I know a very small part of you by living vicariously through your photo’s and commentary. You have been a silver lining during the crazy time we call a global pandemic. You brought so many smiles and so much joy to my family as we watched you navigate the beautiful land called Londolozi. Wishing you only good things in your next adventure!

Oh dear, I will certainly miss James! Very entaining and very knowledgable guy. The video blog was great and kept me going…………………… All the best, James!!! Hope we will sometime meet somewhere in the bush!!

So what happened?
Are you leaving Londo team?:(
Hey I wish I could visit you some day after the lockdown. Still thank you. I met a nature philosopher here, and that was you. In my mind I used to argue with some of your conclusions, but always looking for your articles. Best wishes wherever you be!

What a sad day. I cannot imagine the Londolozi blog without you. I wish you every success in the future. Godspeed James.

Oh dear…., Duncan I can relate to your feelings and comments.
After my 2008 visit the blog has been and will remain the link to and invitation to come back to Londolozi and has been the showcase for what a special place it is.
But over the past many years, James’ insights, his love of the wilderness, nature and his observations about animal behaviour, plus his photography and video skills have reenforced that for me and he will indeed be sorely missed.
James, my heartfelt thank you for the joy you have brought.
Change is good and I hope you will find what you are looking for, beyond the comfort zone to grow even more. You have shown at Londolozi what you are capable of.
I am sure you will succeed in whatever you do.
And I am certain Londolozi will always be in your heart.
Happy sailing towards your new destinies.
Many regards and thank you.

So sorry to hear James is moving on. I always looked forward to his weekly videos and am so sad he won’t be there anymore. Good luck James and thank you for sharing your adventures!

James, we have never met – my visit was long ago but still fondly remembered. I was in the area briefly a couple of years ago and will be back. Your photographs, writing and commentary are very special and will be missed. I wish you success in your future ventures.

Duncan, thank you for this beautiful tribute to James!

James, no words can express my appreciation and gratitude for all you’ve done on these pages, the Londolozi and your personal Instagram pages, and Londolozi as a whole.

All love and blessings to you as you embark on your next adventure, and be sure in the knowledge that I’ll be following along! ❤️🙏🏼🙌🏼❤️

Farewell James, have enjoyed all the live safaris. Wishing you well on your future endeavors.

I agree with everyone’s comments, We were in Londolozi in 2019, and every morning at home I enjoy James’ blog and the Sunday video, just wants me to visit again real soon. James, we wish the best and know you will be missed

Nooooooo!!! I have such a huge crush on James even the boyfriend accepts it! You have gotten me thru all this covid crap with your witty-trying to be funny videos and love for our safari animals. Thank you and best wishes in all future adventures! You will be missed 😔🥰

Tell me it’s not true! James feels like part of the family, especially with the weekly videos during the pandemic. He will be missed by all. What a wonderful tribute to a real live “Indiana Jones”. James, all best to you and your next adventure, please let us know what the future is for you. We’ll “leave you to it”.

James, you’ve been the THE public face of Londolozi for so long that your shoes will be so very difficult to fill! I don’t envy Sean and the other rangers the pressures they’ll be facing in the months ahead. You’re an inspiration to many, a memory maker to others. We wish you much happiness and success in the next chapter of your life! Thank you.

Pardon me while I cry over my lunch, absorbing this bittersweet news. While we did not have the pleasure of meeting James during our visit in 2018, I have come to rely on his witty storytelling and fantastic photographic and video skills as part of my daily routine. Every Sunday when I watch the weekly video while making breakfast, I feel like I’m catching up with an old friend. James, you have brought so much joy to thousands of people across the world. Thank you for being a beacon of light. While I join the rest of the Londolozi family in mourning your parting, I wish you well in whatever adventure awaits. ❤️

2021 is definitely a horrible year… Deprived of Londolozi because of the Covid and now deprived of James for ever… It cannot be true. Game drives with you James were unforgetable jewels. You are an exceptionally talented person I feel priviliged to have met. In the bush, of course, and on the daily blogs, especially over the past few lockdown months.. . Needless to say, we – and the Londolozi cats – will immensely miss you. THANK YOU a million times.
Warmest wishes for a successful, exciting, and happy future.

What a wonderful and well deserved tribute to James! I started reading the Londolozi blog every day in 2014, one year before I went on my first safari to Londolozi. By the time I went there in 2015, I felt that I “knew” the leopards and lion prides by name. I especially enjoyed Amy Attenborough’s and James Tyrell’s blog posts. I was so sad to see Amy leave and will now miss James’ photos, wealth of knowledge and his always interesting conjectures about animal behavior. I am especially grateful for his Sunday virtual safari posts during the lockdown. He had a way of explaining the beauty, mystery, and the incredible intertwining of all aspects of nature. I will really miss his gift with words along with extraordinary photography skills. James, I wish you all the best in life and am sorry that you will not be there when I return to Londolozi some day.

Digital Ranger

What a beautiful tribute to James! Thank you, James, for being there for all of us around the world during the lockdown. You gave all of us who followed you thru that time to just forget what was happening in our realities for just a bit. It was a breath of fresh air to wonder what the Flat Rock Male may be doing or the many lions that would come thru camp. And all the wild dog chases to see what they were up to.
James, you truly are a legend. I am sorry we will not meet, but I wish you the best of luck on your new adventure and hope our paths will cross one day.
Gemma Kemps

James, Thanks so much for the amazing photography, videos and commentary that have kept us in touch with Londolozi and Africa between visits, and especially in this last year and more of plague. We wish you all the best for everything you are going on to do. You’ll be missed. Go well! Peter Mitchell and GloriaRuggieri

Eddie and I will miss him terribly on our next visit! He was my first guide there along with Rex. I time I will never forget. Did he ever own the pink pouch?😘

Bravo Duncan! So hard to “Capture” the totality of James and his many contributions to Londolozi, its staff and guests. We have been fortunate to host James at our third Safari Sarasota event when when we raised more than $200,000 for the Good Work Foundation. James did so much to enrich the event, but his humility was so apparent, including helping set the tables for 100 guests at our “Boma.”
As many have mentioned he was a mainstay of our escape from the pandemic. Thanks for that!
Thanks also for transitioning Sean Zeederberg who will ably serve as the blog’s leader. Good luck to him and you~

Master Tracker

Wishing James all the very best, it may seem a glamorous life – but being a ranger is incredibly hard and skilful work

Senior Digital Ranger

Londolozi will continue to be the best that Africa offers, but there’s no question thousands of us will miss the brilliant, talented (and a hundred more positive adjectives) James Tyrrell. As others have commented, his virtual safaris kept us connected during a time when most connections frayed. A toast to James, your family, and your future.

We finally were able to meet James Tyrell yesterday while we were on safari with Pieter, our guide at MalaMala. For many weeks, we have anxiously awaited the SundayVirtual Safari, rushing to watch it as we yearned to be back in the Bush. James became our ‘friend’ with his blogs and his fabulous enthusiasm. It was quite a pleasure to finally meet him! Wishing James all the best in his future!

Thank you, wishing you a long happy healthy life filled with love & adventures!😘🦏

Wishing you well in whatever you do. (But, honestly, my husband is so depressed about this news – you will be missed by people you don’t even know!)


Senior Digital Ranger

I will miss your blogs,the videos and the amazing photographs. Sad news indeed but of course I wish you all the best for the future. You will be missed by many. Thanks a lot!

Very well written Duncs a fitting farewell. Jamo you beauty, we’ve enjoyed the most unbelievable sightings with you, the Mhangeni pride as young cubs playing in a riverbed, the Makathini male and the ostrich, the lost leopard cub reuniting with her mother and then taking a drink together, the list goes on. We will be sharing a beer or two in the not too distant future. Cheers bud, wishing you all the very best, Kenny, Ali, Robs and Aidan

I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting him, except through his splendid safari reports and his magnificent photos. I would have liked to come many times, but I have not had the opportunity to return to South Africa in time. Sin.

Oh noooooooo. James’ has been just sensational during the last 18 months and he will be sorely missed! I have to assume that somehow he is on to (what he considers) “greener pastures” but Londolozi has become synonymous with James’ terrific blog posts and photos! Best wishes to him in his journey forward.

James, a sad day for us all as you not only leave your immediate Londolozi family but the huge extended family on the blog that have had the virtual pleasure of your company through this tough time. I will miss your excitement and enthusiasm in every video, be it the dung beetle or the Batis Nest, you prostrate in the Landi while watching leopards or perhaps my forever favorite …The Week in Video #15 …particularly your final words at the end of that amazing day. Oh, and how will I ever forget the hyena that stole your shoe 😂. I have no doubt that your insatiable appetite for life will carry you a long way. May it keep you close to the earth and be filled with much love and laughter. 🙏🏻💕

Oh no I cannot believe that James is leaving, he is so a part of Londolozi. Although I must admit I suspected something was up when Sea was doing the video’s instead of James. Also the other Rangers doing the weekly pics instead of James. James you are the best Ranger, cameraman, spokesman and friend in nature. You will surely be missed by all and I will surely miss your voice and pics of nature. May you be blessed in your career going forward and know that your place cannot be filled. There is only one JAMES TYRRELL.

Your Londolozi family will miss and so will we. I wish you well on your next adventure.

James, Thank you for all your work at Londolozi. It truly has kept me involved with nature and the bush and the animals of Africa. You ,through Londolozi introduced me to the GWF foundation.. Your legacy will last forever in the minds and hearts of all of us who have experienced Africa through your lens. Be well!!

James, over the years I’ve enjoyed your pictures, videos and most importantly your blogs. You are a talented writer and a phenomenal ranger. I will no doubt miss the many contributions you provided for londolozi. A dream of mine is to visit the reserve in person and I’m a little disappointed knowing that, when I go that I wouldn’t get to see you there. Just know that you had such a positive effect on people, near and far….you gave us alot of happy moments and sweet escapes. But like the article said, we’ll be able to relive that emotion, when we go back and look at those pictures and reread your blogs.
I know you had so many amazing animal sightings while at londolozi. Off the top of your head, what is one of the incredible moments that sticks out to you, that you witnessed on a game drive, either happy or sad?

I’ll miss James so very much! Sadly, I never got to meet him, but I loved his work! He is the ideal guide – loving the land, the animals, the people and his job. My favorite day of the week is the ‘virtual safari’ day, watching James and seeing the action through his eyes! His legacy will last a long, long time! Farewell and best of luck in the future!

That was a lovely tribute Duncan. It will be strange to go into the Marketing office and not see Jamo there. James, thank you for all of your time answering my ill-informed questions over the years. And thank you for helping me with my isolation from Londolozi during the past 18 months. Best of luck with your new endeavors.

James Tyrrell, you and all at Londolozi have been my sanity through the pandemic and now beyond. I have marveled at your photos and you have inspired my own feeble photography. I have learned so much over the last 16 months or so and always looked forward to your drives with great anticipation. Best of luck on your new adventures and thank you for all that you have taught and shown to us all…. or is it all of us? I’m sure you will set me straight!

It’s a heartfelt tribute Duncan, and I’m already feeling the loss of the “witty chirps and practical joker” who provided amazing videos and photos, interesting and informative blogs to broaden our bush knowledge, that ultimately lured many of us to come visit. I learned of his decision to leave during my stay but it didn’t really register as being final until I read the title of your blog this morning. I guess the only consolation is that he has been a great leader imparting his knowledge to so many of the staff. He is passing the baton into the capable hands of Sean, James Souchon, Chris, and Nick among others. The blogs published the last few months by the guides and other staff members are indicative of the staffs’ passion to carry on the legacies of Talley and James.

James, I’m sure your new journey will prove to be as challenging and rewarding as was your Londolozi experience, so farewell and be happy!
I also echo the sentiments of so many that your virtual safari post kept us sane and entertained during the lockdown. Thank you!!

Many thanks James, I love your weekly videos. Best of luck.

I have James to thank for introducing me to the world of Londolozi thru a series he did on B&H Event Space (that I had to get up in the dark to watch – so worth it though). Since then I have looked forward to the newsletters directing me to blog posts, photos and footage filmed, and to the escape this has created from our locked down lives. Thank you James – so many beautiful images. All the very best with the next chapter in your life!

Duncan, in my farewell to James I omitted to thank you personally for this tribute to James and your lovely poem. I do apologise as it must have been a very emotionally difficult blog to write. 🙏

A fond and sad farewell to a Londolozi treasure! Thank you James for all your contributions to the blog and all of us who have asked after some of those same animals you wrote about! Best of luck on your next adventure!

Such a lovely blog Duncs written for an absolute legend. Jamo, I shall miss your brilliant blogs and am thankful for all the memories I have of you. Wishing you all the very best and now maybe I’ll get to see you surfing in Plett!

Great tribute and poem Duncan. James, not only will you be remembered for all you have accomplished at Londolozi by the Londoz Family, but you will be remembered around the world from most recently your video blogs that we, as so many have looked forward to every Sunday during the pandemic (its kept us all going) and of course your guests that you have looked after so well over the years, you will be sorely missed… We wish you good luck and best wishes in your next role and look forward to maybe bumping into you on safari one day soon…. Thanks for sharing your great knowledge, great laughter and for just being you… S&A xxx

NOOOOOOOO DON’T GOOOOOO…..wow but I’m going to miss your humorous videos and perfectly positioned photos and incredible virtual game drives. Thank you for always keeping us connected with a place that our souls yearn for. Best wishes for this new journey!

Dear James. Neil and I feel we just had to wish you every success wherever you are going! We will miss your many adventures in the Bush. Thoroughly enjoyed every single one of your videos and photographs. Thank you so much for your honesty and humour! You are the sort of person who will enjoy life wherever you are and whatever you do. We wish you every blessing, James. Neil and Wendy MacNicol

James – you have been the face and the voice of Londolozi through all the months of the lockdown. With your weekly virtual safaris, you almost single-handedly kept the beauty and the magic of Londolozi in front of the world while we were unable to return. You will be sorely missed, but best wishes as you move on.

A lovely tribute Duncs. Good luck James, you made virtual safaris yours during lockdown and we’ll certainly miss that!!

Thank you so much James for sharing with us your stunning photos and videos, your enthusiasm, your profound knowledge of all animals and the beauty of Londolozi. You can not imagine what an inspiration and joy your posts were during lockdown. I wish you all the best in your new job. But please keep sharing your love and knowledge of nature with us. Thank you.

Thank you for the best content one could hope to read and watch. I sincerely wish you all the best for your new endeavours. 🙏🏼

James, we never met you in person, but we feel we have ridden with you out in the bush so many times! Thank you for all you have shared with us, especially over the last 16 months. We have had to postpone our return to Londolozi too many times during that timeframe and your posts have kept it all close in our thoughts and heart. Best of everything in your future endeavors. Thank you!

Duncan, We had heard the rumor and are so sad that it was true! We met James on our first visit to Londolozi in 2011. We had brought some of our children too, and along with our closest friends and their kids, we were “off to the races!” James became the kid’s best friend immediately and we have all stayed close over the past decade. They even got stuck in the river on a game drive with him (a pink pouch episode!). We can’t count the times we have driven with him, listened to him play guitar and sing, and enjoyed the laughs, tears and special times together. He joined us in Sarasota to help with Safari Sarasota (our fundraiser for GWF!) and was an amazing emissary for Londolozi. As you have pointed out so well, his accomplishments are too numerous to list, especially during the pandemic – keeping us entertained and laughing at his great videos, photos and quick wit.

One of the only highlights of every day on pandemic lockdown was the arrival of the Londolozi Blog and especially the weekly videos and daily Instagram posts as well. It took us away from the drama and back to the special place we love. We could go on and on, but suffice to say that we count him as a member of our family and always will!

We know James will be leaving Londolozi in a better place than when he arrived, and we are sure that the next generation of leaders will continue the traditions he helped create.

Thanks for everything James from the whole Klauber family – we feel lucky to know you and wish you the best always!!

Duncan, thank you for expressing the importance of James to Londolozi. We certainly agree with you!

We got hooked on the bloc which was born after one of our first visits. We can’t wait to view and discuss the blog each day. We so appreciated James’ dedication and tenacity in bringing Londolozi to life through his spot-on commentary, photography, videography and passion. It has if he has come to know each of the animals individually….as if they are extended staff of the lodges …and he magically has passed that knowledge on to all of us. We will miss him terribly but wish him all the best in his next endeavours. Wherever he goes, they are very lucky to have him!

James was our amazing ranger during our first trip to Londolozi in 2012 with our family of 5. He was off site when my husband I returned in 2014 (but we were greeted by the “other”James (Souch) who sent James T’s regards). I have so enjoyed staying connected with Londolozi through the virtual safari, a definite highlight during lockdown which left us yearning to get back – which for my husband and I will be next May! When I read James said he would decide/leave within a year I thought great, we will hopefully get to see him, but then realized that conversation happened earlier. We have been very fortunate to have visited a number of camps in Southern Africa over 4 different trips and Londolozi is the only one that we have visited more than once, largely in part due to the Jameses and the whole team. We will always remember retuning from the the afternoon drive on our first trip after spotting 9 leopards that day – it was, as James said ‘Epic’. He asked us to keep the number of sightings on the down-low as not all guests would have had such a successful day and then proceeded to drive his Land Rover in circles in front in the camp entrance hooting as we all celebrated our great luck. That will always be one of our families favourite memories! I am sure he has been asked lots of questions about the animals, but it may be hard to top the one from one of our kids when they asked if animals could be gay. James did some research and the next morning reported back with the information that he found including some printouts from the internet. Thank you James for sharing your knowledge, humour, patience and passion for the bush. We wish you the very best with whatever awaits as you take on new adventures.

Senior Digital Ranger

I am so lost for words, yet I had a feeling over the past week or so that James was backing away to allow for new rangers to step in to share the experience at Londolozi. Sundays have always been special, watching James do his virtual safari. It is so true, that all that he did from the get-go was so inspiring and fascinating.
I hate good-byes, as this one is bringing a few deep tears even though I never met you James. – I wish you the very best, yet I have a feeling, we have not seen the last of you online trekking adventures in the bush.

James: I am so sorry we will not have the opportunity to meet in person when I arrive at Londolozi in October. I was so looking forward to hearing all about the Londolozi wildlife from you. I thank you for your many years of service and commend you for the excellent job of informing all of us via your photos, your blogs and your videos of safari drives and walks. I have learned much from you and appreciate your sharing your time and knowledge with all of you. May you continue to succeed in your life.

Digital Ranger

Oh, … Mr. James, can you please tell me what African destination you’re headed to?

Digital Ranger

I am so sad reading this post! James and all the guides started my mornings off every single day when the pandemic started and continue to this day. Yes all the photography and the videos are amazing, but all of them especially James made every little thing that happened seem exciting. You ALL were such a breath of freshness not only because of the shutdown but here in the US, you all also drowned out the politics and help me stay motivated each and every day. Thank you James especially and I wish you the very best! and thank you to ALL the staff at Londolozi!!

Really sad to hear you are leaving James. We have never met but your weekly videos have given me my ‘bush’ fix throughout the pandemic an dbeen routine viewing for me. All the best for your future career.

Digital Ranger

James, this year will be memorable for a lot of not so good reasons. But I have no doubt that whenever I look back at this year, your virtual safaris, and that “voice” behind the camera will always be etched in my memories of this time in my life. Thank you for your incredible knowledge and insight. It was a real privilege being one of the lucky ones who knew about and could look forward to your content each week. Best of luck in your next chapter.


Digital Ranger

Thanks James!

I was in the process of booking our third visit to Londolozi and was thinking of James and all that he is to Londolozi. I haven’t kept up with the blog until just now and came across this touching farewell to James. I wish you the best and thank you and Pete Thorpe for the updates on the Tamboti female, whose portrait hangs in my husband’s office. The Tamboti female showed us that good things don’t last forever which is the case with James. Whatever you do, you will indeed succeed.

Duncan, thank you for doing this fantastic tribute to James. Your poem is actually beautifully said. I have never been to Londolozi, but I have to say that just reading the blogs and seeing the fantastic pictures of the animals and Londolozi family has been a bright light in a very dark period in the world. I know nothing is forever. That being said, I can only wish the very best of luck and good fortune to James in his future endeavours – wherever they may take him. Thank you James for all your blogs, videos and excellent photography. Enjoyed your company on the vehicle. All the very best of luck, good health and safety. A huge fan in Canada.

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