About the Author

Pete Thorpe

Alumni Ranger

Pete was a Field Guide for Londolozi for 4 years, contributing to the blog as a fantastic writer as well as photographer. Right from his very first bush trip at the age of four, Pete was always enthralled by this environment. Having grown ...

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on The Ingenious Defence Of A Tiny Bird

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Interesting blog Pete.

Pete, I loved all the photos, especially the tiny bird in the tree🤗

Senior Digital Ranger

good to know!

Thank you for all the amazing information on these small birds. I love learning about species that are new to me.

Thanks Pete, birds are ingenious nest builders and this little Blue Waxbill is a master! Also quite beautiful. Are snakes successful in catching them? I love the Natal Spurlfowl hen with chicks – such a hard work for her!

Senior Digital Ranger

Interesting blog, thank you Pete

Really interesting! Thank you. Love this little bird.

I have never heard of a bird species using wasp’s nests to protect them….this is really fascinating!

Fascinating facts, Pete! Thanks!

Lovely blog, thank you. Years and years ago, we used to have blue waxbills in our aviary. First time I came to Africa, we saw them in the wild. After the birds we had then died, we took the aviary apart. They are so much nicer in the wild……

absolutely gorgeous!

Very interesting! The relationship to wasps was especially unexpected.

Senior Digital Ranger

Fascinating Peter, and lovely photos from you all. Thank you. Is that coexistence of the paper wasp and the blue waxbill something like the coexistence of the sociable weaver and the pygmy falcon in the northern cape?

What a beautiful litter bird! Thank you.

Such clever little birds!

Fascinating! We often become so caught up in viewing the larger game, we forget there are so many other things to see and learn their stories as well. Thank you for this reminder.

I was fascinated with the Blue Waxbill … beautiful and very clever little bird …I loved reading about their strategy to keep their young safe and where they put their nests and what they choose to build it with …and next to a wasp’s next!!!!! Brilliant. Amazing intelligence …wonder why some members of the animals kingdom do a much better job than others in protecting their young????? Is it just because that’s the way it is??? Thank you for this post.

Nature never ceases to amaze. Thank you so much for sharing this extraordinary adaption to protect the next generation.

Senior Digital Ranger

Pete , most appreciated is the write up and how you expertly enlightened on the nesting & defensive facets of the specie.Commensalism part was quite amusing.thank you for making us add another chapter to our birding skills

Senior Digital Ranger

Birds intelligence to a long way aids in their defensive adaptative behaviours as they seemingly know their immediate environs thus using them immaculately to stay safe from harm without using much energy.

Senior Digital Ranger

The relationship between paper wasps and blue waxbill exhibits the amazing networks and webs that exist in nature’s ecosystems.

Senior Digital Ranger

Having precocial young is natures anti-predation mechanism which to a large extent has ensured some specie infant mortality rates are kept in check.camouflage too has done a lot to help counter predation of vulnerable species.powerful write up Pete,thanks so very much

Fascinating Pete, just loved learning more about these beautiful birds. I’ve said it before but you guys are walking encyclopedia’s. Gosh I could spend months with you all and still only scratch the surface of your knowledge. Super reading🙏🏻💕

Senior Digital Ranger

Photography exhibited by team Londolozi is just so memorable & beautiful.bringing the african bush to our doorstep in colour

Senior Digital Ranger

Mystery hovers as to how the blue waxbill finds the perfect spot next to paper wasp nest sites? Personally lm rather anxious as to finding the catalyst to this partnership

Senior Digital Ranger

The natal Spur fowl does it belong to the same family with the Guinea fowls ie helmeted & crested? How good is their density in the Londolozi environs.beautiful birds indeed

Senior Digital Ranger

As we edge hours closer to the re-opening of the Londolozi gates to visitors, may l personally thank the team for the amazing, memorable virtual expirience they selflessly & expertly brought to us during the past 6 months.Thank you and more blessings & bzns to you.

Thanks for the kind words!

HA, HA. Thanks for bringing back memories of the Amazon. Blithely going ahead for a bird photo, Hearing “Don’t touch that tree!”. From behind me.
Colloquial expression was “razor tree”.

I love this little blue bird!

Digital Tracker

Loved the blog about the blue waxbill! Such a stunning little bird. It always amazes me how intelligent these little creatures are. I absolutely love birds, and reading these blogs (compared to the usual larger animals) is wonderful. Life can’t be easy for these little guys. Thanks for sharing.

Super cool! The ingenuity of the natural world never ceases to amaze, and the particular natural genius of the blue waxbill is a wonderful example! Thanks Pete!!

A really nice blog Pete. Also, a very interesting observation of the nesting habit of the blue waxbill. A win-win for the bird and the wasps. Sometimes the little things in life are overlooked and yet are really interesting. Thanks for sharing with us – I really enjoyed it. Be well and stay safe.

Master Tracker

Pete, what a cracking article. It isn’t always about the big creatures, the more I come to Africa I appreciate the smaller creatures and the ambiance .

Senior Digital Ranger

Blue waxbill have intresting courtship behaviour whereby the male presents a blade of grass to charm the female and the posture he usually adopts has his tail being angled towards her.Melodies from him then serenade the female then of she is receptive ,copulation follows.

Amazing strategy. Thank you Pete for sharing.

Digital Ranger

How clever these little birds are! Thanks for an interesting piece. Such lovely little birds! Do they sing happy tunes too?

Hi Pete. This is one of the most INTERESTING articles I have ever read from Londolozi! I have always loved these little Waxbills but didn’t know about their private lives! There were hundreds of these little Waxbills at my Aunt’s farm in the Waterberg. I always loved them. Are they immigrants? Or reidents in .S.A? Thanks again, Pete! Wendy M

Thanks, Pete, for this interesting information on waxbills! It always amazes me, how ingeniously nature is working.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Pete for these interesting facts about this super clever little bird. I worry about those in our garden as often hear the Sengal Coucal “hunting” and as we don’t have any serious thorn trees they are in constant danger.

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