The Nkoveni female was once a commonly seen leopard on Londolozi. Her territory centered around and extended to the east of the Londolozi camps. She raised two cubs to about nine months of age in 2017, which were unfortunately lost when the Flat Rock male took over the late Piva male’s territory.

The Nkoveni female leopard and her previous litter of two cubs. Some of the most relaxed cubs we have ever experienced. Sadly they were both killed by the Flat Rock male.
Londolozi's most viewed leopard and prolific mother. This gorgeous female has raised multiple cubs to independence.
Born 2013 Kruger, seized prime territory at young age. Strategic dominance led to successful lineage before current eastward shift.
It did not take long for her to start mating with the Flat Rock male and in March 2018, she female gave birth to a single cub in the Sand River.

The Nkoveni female leopard and her previous cub (now the Plaque Rock female) on plaque rock in mid-2018.
The now independent Plaque Rock female was initially very shy and would run and hide from vehicles, even when her mother was calling her out. After many months of viewing from a respectful distance, the Plaque Rock female is now as relaxed as her mother. She has taken over the section of her mother’s territory east of the Londolozi camps. In turn, her mother has pushed further east and is now seldom seen.
News from our neighbours of her mating with the Flat Rock male filtered in. Every couple of weeks we would have a brief view of her, but nothing like the frequency of sightings that we used to have. Rumours of her looking pregnant started arising in January this year, however it can be difficult to distinguish between a pregnant and a very full leopard. Having been seen mating several times and through optimistic views, we decided that she must be pregnant…

Finally – affirmation! Early one morning in the past week, the Nkoveni female was found along the banks of the Sand River. Take a close look at her belly. Clear marks of where a cub (or cubs) have been nursing.
We couldn’t have asked for a better view to gain confirmation! The skin is hanging loose under her belly and her teats show clear evidence of where cubs have been suckling. This is wonderful news for us but still questions remain…

We followed her along the road hoping that by some small chance she would pause and begin to contact call for her cub(s).
There was a period of about ten minutes when she disappeared in a small but well-hidden gully while we followed her. Our hopes were high that she may be denning in there, but it was a false alarm as she came out and continued along her way.

Our last view before she disappeared into the Sand River. Notice the loose skin under the belly – a result of having carried cubs for three and a half months.
So we know she has a new litter now. But how many cubs does she have? Where is she denning them?
We will be doing our best over the next while to try and answer these questions…
Great news. It will be lovely if there are new cubs.
Pete, wonderful blog, I hope you can find where she denning them🤗
Londolozi. Many thanks for the daily posts! I always look forward to them. It is comforting to know that in this world of Covid-19 that some ways of the world continue uninterrupted.
This is wonderful news indeed. There is nothing cuter than a leopard cub except maybe two leopard cubs. The Nkoveni female is a beautiful leopard, so pretty and no doubt her cubs will be similarly blessed……. Thank you.
Thanks for the awesome images and exciting update! We added a couple of your shots to our favorites!! Can’t wait to hear further news about Nkoveni and her cubs!
Hi Pete
That’s wonderful news! Looking forward to your updates on the cub(s)!
Any particular reason why you don’t have the Plaque Rock female listed on the ‘Leopards of Londolozi’ page?
Thank you for these continuing posts. Many of us in the USA are housebound and these news briefs from Londolozi are a breath of fresh air.
Can’t wait to see the Smalls when they are eventually found. She is a good Mom for hiding them so well! Wendy M
Great news and The Nkoveni female hide the little one very well, stay safe and healthy mama!
Cub, cubs…. we’ll take any new addition to the leopard population of Londolozi!! Great news and reporting. The daily blogs are always appreciated but especially now, considering the world is in a state of flux due to this devastating virus. Many of us had hoped to be out with the rangers/trackers in search of whatever , imbibing in the delicious food and drink, relaxing for a brief time from the hustle/bustle of our daily lives- who would have thought?! I know I was booked for Founders Camp, to arrive today…. no matter, I’ll see you later !! Keep those photos and stories coming.
Looking forward to reading more, these updates are really important now we are in ‘lockdown’
It would be wonderful if there were new cubs. We saw both the two who were killed in 2017 and the little female in ‘18, all darling. Fingers crossed!
To think, a world away, there is a beautiful positive news.
Namaste Pete.
Great news, Pete. Let’s hope she can have the same success as she did with Plaque Rock!
Sounds like she has become more careful with her cubs as she gets older
Looking forward to hearing more about this!!
Keeping fingers crossed! Nkoveni was always one of my favourites!