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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on New Cheetahs on Londolozi

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Great news. It seems as if there are regularly cheetah coming over from Kruger. It is sad to hear that the resident male might have died. Was it the one with the scar of an injury on the right front leg?

James, we were there in October 2018, we saw the 3 cheetahs on that visit. I hope the new cheetahs survive.

Beautiful cheetahs! They are so scarce anymore. Any sighting is sacred!

What lovely Cheetah pics? DO hope they are able to stay alive in Londolozi down in the South. Imagine if we had some Cheetah babies with the accompanying pics! Wouldn’t that be great? Love Wendy M

Fingers crossed your wishes come to fruition for a resident pair of cheetahs. It seems they are difficult to find in the SabiSand area, due to lower populations than other African countries such as Botswana and Kenya. Any thoughts on this?

Fingers crossed they stay awhile. They are such beautiful animals to photograph as evidenced by the shots in this blog. Well done!

James. Londolozi is a popular place and I don’t blame the Cheetahs for wanting to hang out at the preserve.
I have pictures and video of the loan mail that you referred to that was taking up residence in late 2017. I looked at those again after reading this article. Keep up the good work. Hoping those two cheaters find a home somewhere Within the property boundaries

Wonderful news along with exceptional images. Love the latter one with great light on top of the mound. Glad you got a chance to see them and wish them the very best whereever they travel. Thanks James.

Fingers crossed they find their home with Londolozi. Cheetahs have such adorable faces. Happy 4th of July from the US. Victoria

Could they be the siblings of the mother cheetah that was frequenting the area last year, or are they younger than those two?

We were fortunate to have multiple cheetah family (mother + 2 cubs) sightings over several days during our first visit in 2013. We also experienced the cheetah tracking and taking down an impala–to be followed by the mother instructing the cubs to finish the kill. I can still recall the yelps and pounding paws as the hunter and prey came ever so close to our vehicle.

I hope they stick around!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Any chance these are the two yearlings we saw on a kill with their mother in the shadow of Ximpalapala Kopje one evening late May 2018? Believed we read about them occasionally in the blog for weeks after.

James, What great news! The constant evolution and movment (and your tracking) of leopards, lions and cheetah continues to amaze us!

This is such wonderful news!! Hopefully they’ll stick around long enough for our next visit.

I am sorry to be late on commenting on such great news!!do we know what happened to them? where are they now(December 2019)?

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