How rare is it to see an Owl at Londolozi?
I recently had the pleasure of hosting a couple who have been regular visitors to Londolozi for the past decade. Despite their deep affection for the reserve, one thing had eluded them on each of their visits: seeing one of Africa’s owls. This was their 5th safari at Londolozi and across at least 30 game drives, their misfortune of not spotting the elusive and primarily nocturnal bird continued! Yet it sparked contemplation on the rarity of owl sightings and the intriguing superstitions surrounding these mystical birds.

Perched regally, this spotted Eagle-Owl’s ear “tufts” only feathers, it served as a reminder of the unique adaptations that define these creatures of the night.
Ranger Patrick Grealy recently wrote a blog series on nocturnal animals where he highlights the unique adaptations of Owls. My focus in this blog is to dive deeper into a few of the owl species we get here and allude to some of the superstitions and folklore afterwards.
Verreaux’s Eagle Owl and Spotted Eagle Owl
At Londolozi, the two most prominent owl species, the Verreaux’s Eagle Owl and the Spotted Eagle Owl, reign supreme. Their large size and distinct behaviours make them relatively easier to spot, often perched in the branches of tall trees in dry riverbeds, emitting their haunting calls at dawn and dusk. Yet, even with their visibility, a touch of perseverance is required to spot them.

As the darkness descends a Verreaux’s Eagle Owl perched in a dead Leadwood tree. Its talons stand out and it is clear to see why they are such effective hunters.
Barred Owlet and Pearl-spotted Owlet
Conversely, smaller species like the Barred Owlet and Pearl-spotted Owlet, though common, are more elusive. Active during the day, they possess distinctive calls and surprising hunting skills, with the Pearl-spotted Owlet charming with its false black eyes, a clever defence mechanism against daytime predators.

My personal favourite is the Pearl-spotted Owlet. Here it is perched in the morning sunshine. These cute-looking owls certainly punch above their weight and can catch prey double their size.

They are more active during the day and have a set of false black eyes at the back of their heads which distract or intimidate any potential daytime predators.

The beautiful Barred Owlet looks similar to the Pearl-spotted Owlet but is larger and has barring on the head and upper breast. It also lacks the false eyes at the back of its head. This species is more active at night but can be seen during the day.
Scops Owl
Although frequently heard calling from dusk until dawn, it requires some patience and persistence to manage to see these tiny owls. Only a little bit longer than a sparrow with their incredibly camouflaged patterning on their feathers.
Southern White-faced Owl, Western Barn Owl and Marsh Owl
These three represent the groups of slightly larger owls that are less frequently seen but that we still have a decent chance of finding should we give it a good shot and by ticking these off the list one can consider themselves very lucky.

The glowing eyes of this Southern White Faced Owl are mesmerising. An interesting fact about this Owl is when it’s disturbed or feels threatened it spreads its wings and “inflates” its feathers to look bigger and scare the enemy away.

As one would expect, Marsh Owls are found in moist grassland of which we do not have too much at Londolozi, reducing the potential likelihood of finding one here. However, the open grasslands in the southwest are your best place to see these owls. They are also one of the more gregarious owl species being seen in communal roosts during the wet season. We have yet to find these roosts here at Londolozi, but the search continues. In winter, they are known to be especially active at dusk and dawn.

A Western Barn Owl is not a common sighting. This image perfectly captures one perched while momentarily scanning the ground for any rodents to eat. Surprisingly, the Barn Owl is capable of hunting up to 40 rodents in a single night to feed its offspring. They have a preference for open habitats and can often be seen roosting in pairs. If they are disturbed they either, weave heads from side to side and hisses or draw themselves erect and with eyes narrowed.
There is a split opinion on what is perceived of Owls. In Western Culture, it is a symbol of wisdom whereas many countries in the East associated them with misfortune, witchcraft and foolishness.
There are several stories of folklore and superstitions around Owls but I have selected four to share with you:
Owls have also long been viewed as harbingers of bad luck and even death. One myth tells us that bad luck will befall anyone who hears an owl hoot three times.
In South Africa, many believe that when an owl lands on the roof and hoots, it has been sent by a sangoma, or witch doctor, delivering a fatal curse.

Just on the edges of the leadwood forest, a barred owlet soaks up the golden light that shone through the woody tree canopies.
Owls were simply the messengers of witches, or hooted to warn of the approach of a witch. Unfortunately this led to many owls being hunted and killed in the Middle Ages.

One of my favourite owl is the Southern white faced owl. I couldn’t believe how calm this owl was, as we came around the corner we were met with its beautiful golden orange eyes starring us down. We sat in silence and watched it calling in the stillness of the evening.
Owls are often viewed as a symbol of wisdom. The “wise old owl” character comes from an old English nursery rhyme, which suggests that listening more than talking is a valuable character trait that we would all benefit from developing. As such, the owl has become a sign of learning and mental change. Many people believe that seeing an owl is a profoundly good thing, as it indicates the start of a new phase in life.
The rare sightings of owls at Londolozi are a testament to the area’s exceptional biodiversity. While owls are masters of camouflage and stealth, they play a fundamental role within the food web and help control the populations of rodent species. Each owl sighting is a moment to cherish, regardless of the superstitions or negative connotations it may have regarding the afterlife.
So, the next time you embark on a game drive at Londolozi, don’t hesitate to ask your guide and tracker to share the stories of these remarkable birds, discover their tracks, and learn about their hidden behaviors. While they can be elusive, their existence is significant, and their role in the reserve’s ecosystem does not go unnoticed.
Pearl-spotted & Scops are my 2 favortiies. Loved the sounds of the scops when we were there. Hadd one in our tree for a couple nights. It was magical!
Hi Sandra ! I agree the Scope owl call is so symbolic of the African Bushveld.
Tell me more about the fatal curse please?
Owls are reviled in many parts of Africa as harbingers of death. In South Africa, many believe that when an owl lands on the roof and hoots, it has been sent by a sangoma, or witch doctor, delivering a fatal curse.
I am lucky enough to sometimes hear an owl and in Mid-Winter to sometimes see one hunting over the downlands close by.
Lovely creatures , I have been lucky enough to see both a Scop’s owl by my tent and a Pell’s fishing owl whilst in Africa
Hi Ian, wow seeing both of those owl species is really special.
Wonderful images and descriptions, thank you for sharing
Thank you Karen
I’m a big fan of owls, so thanks for that, Nick. I’ve seen very few, despite all my visits, so I was very happy last November (on my 14th visit!) to have a great sighting of a Verreaux eagle owl . It was shortly before our sundowners, so still reasonably light, and we watched it fly back and forth between a tree and a patch of ground close by, investigating it for food. Brilliant!
Amazing story Suzanne! thanks for sharing. Its particularly awesome that you got to see one with the sun sill up and in daylight.
Great article on owls, Nick. And the photos are amazing.
I love seeing owls. At home, in Switzerland you never or nearly never see any.
Luckily I have seen lots of owls on safari, also at Londolozi, I think even on every trip.
I loved seeing the Southern White faced owl in the southern area of Londolozi one evening. Really great.
Seeing an owl in Southern California is also a rare sight!! And an equally as exciting sighting! Love owls…thanks for sharing so many different species.
Thanks Anita! Im glad you enjoyed the blog
Nick the owls are one of my favorite birds. We had the Spotted Eagle Owl in our tree where we stayed for seventeen years. They became quite tame and even had there chick’s in the box that my husband made for them. Some days they would sit openly so that we could see them, at dusk they would start to operate and go hunting. Sometimes during the night they would come and sit on our house roof and then they would call each other. Beautiful birds and can watch them forever.
I loved seeing and learning about all the owls at Londolozi. I’ve been lucky enough to see a few of them, Verreaux’s Eagle Owl being my favorite, with those wonderful pink eyelids. But I’d sure like to see more during my upcoming visit in the Spring!
Nick, great blog and pictures. Owls are some of the best predators in the animal world. They are also one of the stealthiest creatures in the world and one of the most beautiful and favorite birds of mine.
Thanks Nick for this interesting and informative post. I had no idea that there was such a variety of owls within Londolozi. I’ve managed to view the Verraux’s Eagle Owl and Spotted Eagle Owls during night drives but have yet to spot the others. For the untrained eye, spotting the smaller owls such as the Spotted Pearl Owl can be difficult even though they’re active during the day. By the way, all of your images are fantastic accompanying your article.
Thanks Denise! Yes there are many more species to be seen on the reserve. You do have to have a little bit of luck on your side to see the smaller species and the nocturnal ones, which are very dormant during the daytime hours.
Hi, I miss the songs of owlets and scops owls at night all around, year by year I could hear them less and less, now it seems they disappeared… green area with high trees are getting rare and so the smaller owls that are usual visitors of cities and towns borders can’t be detected any longer. In the woodland there are large owls barn owl as well. I like a lot all the species you t write about, especially Marsh Owl, so different from any other I know, and of course the smallest, owlets and scops owl…
Hi Nick, I just adore owls. I love hearing two of the species we have here: the great horned owl and barred owl. The Southern white faced owl is absolutely striking. And I didn’t know about the false eyes on the back of the pearl-spotted owlet. Thank you for including that image so we could see them. 🦉
Absolutely love owls, and have been privileged to see the Eagle Owl, White Faced, Scops and others at Londolozi. Hoping we are lucky enough to see owls when we return in July
The pics are awesome! That southern white-faced owl is gorgeous. Great camera work. When I visited Londolozi in November of 2021, Matt was our guide and we saw four or five Marsh Owls in an area of the southwestern grasslands. It had been raining all week and they just kept exploding from the grass, as we searched for cheetah. We did finally find the cheetah, but I found the surprise of owls in the grasslands, instead of the deep forests, a huge plus.
Hi Patrick, thanks for the comment as well as sharing your story of the Marsh owl sighting. That is a very rare sighting indeed.