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Kevin Power

Field Guide/Finance

Kevin hails from the small town of George, but we try not to hold that against him... After obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance at the University of Stellenbosch, Kev realised that town life wasn't for him for the moment, and ...

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on Lion Update: Matimbas, Mhangheni breakaways & the Matshipiris.

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Edward B Murphy

could the young unknown male be ‘junior’ from the Nkuhuma’s?


how come the Mangheni males not yet leaving their pride? hopefully the young male could joined the mangheni males. The Mangheni pride will become mega pride once those cubs matured, it reminds me of Nkuhuma pride before the Mapogos whittled them.

scott stevens

Great write up guys really awesome. I think the young male is a talamati who some suspected dead after a dust up with the Charleston males. He has two other brothers but must have been separated during the fight. His brothers are around kirkmans last i heard. He is a matimba son and hopefully finds his brothers again its been sometime now.

Excellent photo’s of the lions in today’s blog. We can’t wait to get to londolozi so we can see them for real in person. You guys do an outstanding job keeping us informed by reading your blog.

Brenda Sedberry

Wonderful update and photos. Hope you enjoyed your break, Kevin. I’m looking forward to returning. In the meantime, I know you’re taking good care of my father’s Gator cap. Say hi to Life for me!

Please take vacation more often, this was a great update! If that was the Ximungwe male then I hope he is able to bond with the Mhangeni males since he deserves a break in life. I love the picture of the lioness listening to her fathers’ roars from the west. Sounds like we are in for a lot of lion activity on our next visit! I can’t wait 🙂

John Cyrus

Matimbas yet chase Matshapiri again. Love the greatest males of sabi sands.

Petrit Jahiri

Amazing, thanks for all this.


Great blog. Not sure it’s the X male but looks like one of the Talimati young males, perhaps he one that was serrated recently from his brothers?

Brad Fox

The young male is one of the talamati males. son of matimba. He was beaten by charleston and separated from his brothers.


Marimbas have now chased every coalition they have faced. Best ever

Alex Sindal

Great blog. And Matimbas great males. Reason why Matimba males are the most popular on internet.

Ajay Varma

Thanks for update. Love matimbas. Do you think they can defeat Birmingham males?


We have not seen one of the mibri young males recently. This unidentified male could be him. His face resembles Matimbas. And most important is the Matimbas behavior towards him

Thanks for the great lion updates.But was wondering about the status of the Majingilane males.Have they left
Londolozi for good.Are they still all alive.Are they no longer considered a dominant coalition.Just wondering what happened to them since there is little news about them.


i feel really bad for the young male . hope he will be accepted at last.

Matimbas - The Greatest

Kevin! I am sure you have seen both of these coalitions and has spend good time with them. I want to know which coalition males are bigger, Matshapiri oatimbas?

Great lion update Kevin! I agree, odd that the Matimbas are tolerating the young lone male — could he be a Matimba son? It’s nice to hear the Majingilane are still out there…I would love to see them again. I think they are one of the smartest coalitions — very carefully choosing their battles and all still surviving and still a force to be reckoned with, although, sadly, coming into the twilight of their lives. Thanks Kevin, for the great Lion update and fantastic pictures!

barbara jones

This is exciting. Can’t wait to see what happens!

Senior Digital Ranger

This one is too young to be Junior and his mane is much to sparse.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for the wonderful lion update.. Good to hear the Matimbas are still holding their own.

Andrea Dorethy

Great story it was as if i was there watching it as it unfolded. Thanks for keeping us informed i have been following some of these prides for about two years and the info you provide us with lets me know my favorites are still doing well again thanks for all you do

Reading these older blogs does help to understand the movement of the prides.

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