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Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on The Week in Pictures #179

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Evette Hartig

amazing photos, loved each and every one of them!

Sean – Very well written!! I’ve been following this blog for several months and love the stories and pictures. However, the first thing that struck me with these photos is that I can FEEL AND SEE the environment surrounding the subject. Very, very, nice.

I got something from each pic, but my favorites are:
1. The elephant in the morning mist
2. The two Fourways…he looks magnificant in this profile shot.
3. the White Rhinos
4. The Impala rams…I didn’t know they did this!!
5. The one Fourways glancing over his shoulder.

Thank you for a great Week in Pictures!!

Thank you very much, Kim. I am glad you gathered those feelings from the images, as space is such an important factor to play with in photography. I often prefer to open the frame, as opposed to having a tight crop on the subject, to reveal more of the surroundings; it is not always the subject which creates the essence of an image. Great selection, I love your fifth choice!

Jill Grady

Beautiful images Sean! My favourites are the Fourways male lion shots…they’re very majestic and confident. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with the different coalitions in the days to come. Thanks for another week of interesting blogs and beautiful pictures. Have a great weekend!

Yes, very interesting indeed! Thank you, Jill, always appreciative. Have a wonderful weekend as well!

Great photos Sean. I must say my favourite is the elephant in the mist, so beautiful.

Great choice, Collins!


Beautiful photo’s again Sean!
I agree – the elephant in the mist is stunning ……. I see another canvas print in the making?!!

Brian C

Another great series of photos! I enjoyed the rhinos, elephant in mist and the rutting rams. The Fourways males look good and it will be very interesting if they run into the Styx males.

I agree, Brian, the Fourways males do look magnificent at the moment. We suspect that the two coalitions have already come into contact with one another although no physical engagement ensued. But that may not last for very long. We will keep you posted.

Sandy Johnson

My favorite is the sunset. I miss those sunset game drives. In fact, I miss everything about Londolozi – my favorite place in the world.

Wow, Sean – I love all of the photos this week! Extraordinary! Love the excitement of the lions — so wish I was there to enjoy it live and in person! Thank you for a fabulous blog!

Thank you very very much, Jenifer, I’m sure you both have had the most amazing time with James up north… Looking forward to your next visit! Keep well.

Thank you very very much, Jenifer, I’m sure you both have had the most amazing time with James up north… Looking forward to your next visit! Keep well.


Oh wow Sean these are awesome photos?! All incredibly atmospheric and emotive, they have made me really yearn for Londolozi again. Its impossible to choose a favourite but the elephant in the mist is tremendously magical, looks like a painting at first. Keep up this great work dude.

Very much appreciated, Dani, the mist photograph seems like it would be enjoyed by you! Hope to see you again someday soon… Wimbledon!


Sean – Beautiful photos! Love them all but my favorite if the close up of the Rhino. A tiny, shiny eye amid the muck. Great shot. Hope all is well there.

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