About the Author

Ryan James

Guest contributor

I am the Head of Development at Londolozi's not-for-profit partner organisation, the Good Work Foundation (GWF). GWF focuses on education, in particular helping people living in rural areas to connect to a new, digital Africa and all of its opportunities.

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on A Londolozi Elder on the Art of Stillness and Choosing the Path Less Travelled

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Awesome blog Ryan. We should value our elders more, they’ve been through life and it is such a pity if their wisdom is lost.

Thanks Marinda. The older I get, the more I value kokwanis 🙂


Lol its funny how JV’s nick name is ma kokwani…

Hi Tidi. I’ll have to remember that for the next time that I see him. If I get a punch I’m holding you accountable!

Lynn Rattray

Great article….thanks for the reading list!

Thanks Lynn. My personal favourite is “A Man Called Ove” – a great reminder of the power of generosity and community.

Ah…so great to see Gogo’s smile. I will have to get two more books to add to my pile of ‘must read.””Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think” and “The Alchemist.” The others reside on my bookshelves. Pico Iyer writes of stillness succinctly….so I can pick it up at will and reread when I forget the wisdom in being still. Great post…love to all. See you in November.

Hi Tutu. Gogo agrees on Pico Iyer – one that you can pick up again and again. Love from the team!

Jill Grady

Wonderful blog Ryan. We discover more about ourselves in the quietest moments than at any other time I think. I have read Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist…it is a beautifully written book and now I look forward to reading the other books on Gogo Mo’s list.

Thanks Jill – enjoy them and as mentioned, “A Man Called Ove” is incredible. It is my pick of reads from 2014.

Thanks Ryan
Agreed 100% with the recommendations in your blog especially stillness, we all so badly need this!! Please send me your email address.

Hi Howard 🙂 Have connected on email, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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