It seems appropriate that I end off my work cycle with a Week In Pictures. We have had such exciting sightings in the last while with visits from the two sub adult cheetah as well as the solitary male and have even been lucky enough to have had a pack of wild dogs on the property. The alpha female wild dog is heavily pregnant and we are all holding thumbs for the pack to set up den on our property this year. The Sparta Pride has been on and off the property but has given us some amazing viewing including taking down and feeding on a young giraffe! The Tsalala pride have started moving south of the river again and we have had sightings of them very close to camp! My best leopard viewing recently has been of Tamboti Young Female as she has started spending much more time on her own.
My favourite image however is of a small flap-necked chameleon who was desperately trying to scurry across the road and out of dangers way. I hope you all enjoy this weeks pictures.

A flap-necked chameleon exposes the black spots on his skin which usually indicates heightened stress as he crosses the road

I was lucky enough to borrow a guest’s fixed 600 mm lens to get this close up shot of Tamboti Young Female

Camp Pan male lies up in the Maxabene drainage line intently fixed on rutting impala calls coming from the south of the drainage line

The ritualised process of mating leopards is a rare sight and to capture this pair out in the open was quite a sight

We have all been enjoying sightings of this little female rhino. She has such attitude and has grown up so fast!

The Tsalala pride lies up in the Manyeleti riverbed as a herd of elephant make their way down to drink. They made a quick exit however, as the herd moved downstream!

After a morning of tracking we had this magnificent sighting of a full-bellied male cheetah peering east at the rising sun
Written and photographed by: Andrea Campbell
Beautiful pics Andrea, specially the PIC of Camp pan
Camp pan is incredible – fantastic photo!
Andrea these are amazing pictures. The Chameleon is beautiful & I guess you allowed him to cross safely hence the picture. The wound on the mating leopard seems to be bigger, unless its another leopard? Thank you & enjoy your break, well deserved & come back safely 🙂
Really lovely pics – we remember the cheetah sighting well and also those Sparta animals finishing off the giraffe.
Hope you have a wonderful time with family and friends in your time off, Andrea!
Lovely pic . Always a privilege to see the big cats like the lucky pride of lions who got the chance to finish off their much earned & needed meal without being harassed by those hyenas , leopards & cheetahs
Fantastic photos Andrea! I couldn’t pick a favourite, they are all so good!
Great shots! Hard to choose a favorite. The cheetah in the morning light with the mist in the background is frame worthy. Loved the chameleon and the gorgeously aging face of Camp Pan too though! What happened to the mating male leopard’s leg? That’s quite a gash! Assume it’s not slowing him too much?
Awesome photographs Andz, the lioness drinking is my favourite.
Great photographs Andz, the Lioness drinking is my favourite!