on 20 Beautiful Leopard Images to Help You improve your Photography

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marinda drake

Beautiful photos Bennet.

Shy leopard is my favorite, but all of these photos are like WOW! Thank you Bennet!

Senior Digital Ranger

Bennet you have made it impossible to choose a favourite, they are all stunning. Thanks for sharing with us <3

Therese Cooper

Thanks Bennet – absolutely beautiful photos and a lot of good advice!

Senior Digital Ranger

Stunning photos Bennet, thank you for sharing

Master Tracker

The image that stands out is the mother Leopard grooming the young leopard. Great photos, I always use spot metering for leopard shots.

Chloe Flood

leopards are very cute

Love shot number two Bennet 🙂

Bennet your photography is going from strength to strength. Looking forward to seeing lots more of your work on the blog.

Stunning photo’s! My favourite one is #12. Like the way they blend with the colour of the sand and the look at determination in their eyes ….. they seem to be on a mission !

Evette Hartig

Bennet, you have an amazing eye for composition. I hope to see a lot more of your work in the future and hope to see you when I return again this August.

Gavin Rosenbaum

Bennet… Awesome photos!! Love the one of the cub walking out on what looks like a broken log! Awesome


Beautiful shots, Bennet!

Jeff Rodgers

Great images and great advice. Can’t wait to get to Londolozi.

Anshu Kumar

These pictures are amazing.I am Anshu Kumar from India.I am satisfying myself by seeing these beautiful images, as.. don’t know wether I will be able to visit South Africa or not…loving the moment..

Chloe Flood

these are very cute leopards I love leopards very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are my faviroute animal and I find then cute and fluffy and they are very soft and snuggly

All of your leopard photo’s are exceptional! Many thanks for your tips and hope to see more of your work in the future!

Absolutely superb photographs and so difficult to select the best. So, I will nominate not one but two!

The cub on the trunk and the adult climbing the tree. Shame about the tail though!

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