About the Author

David Dampier

Financial Manager

David left the bright lights of Johannesburg and a promising career as a chartered accountant to join the Londolozi Ranging team in 2009. After three years spent as a guide, during which he built up a formidable reputation as one of Londolozi's top ...

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on The Supporting Cast

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what do you mean you are still looking for a green twinspot? i thought we had it pegged by call a week ago! if seeing it is so important Jess and Duncan are going to have to open up their house for 4:30am coffee. thanks for the birds! miss home already inspite of the Chorister Robins here in Kzn.

Awesome,David ,i love the big cats but the birds always make my trips to Londolozi special and thanks for highlighting them

Lynn Rattray

Loving the birds!

YAY! Love this post!!!!!! Love to see more of the supporting cast members!:)


Lovely collection of bird photos.The kingfishers are very special to me.More nice birds will be very much appreciated

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks very much David, its good to see the “bird side of your lives” as well! They are sometimes more interesting, especially if there is nothing “big” on the agenda!!

Master Tracker

Wonderful photos, bird photography is ten times more difficulty than photographing large (or small) mammals. A long lens and a sturdy camera mount are essential.

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10 April, 2798
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