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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on A Farewell to the Cheetahs?

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Susan Scott

I feel so fortunate and blessed we had an opportunity to watch these beautiful cats while we were there in September. Hopefully, they will make their way back to Londolozi someday so others can experience how fascinating they are.

This was my third trip to Londolozi and the first time I saw Cheetah..we saw them on three separate drives during my stay the first part of October and was fortunate to spend quite a bit of time observing them. I hope they return for Londolozi guests to see.

We are indeed fortunate to have spent an hour or so with you, James, watching this trio of cheetahs devouring an impala. And they’d made quite a dent in that carcass when a leopard rushed into the scene to steal it away. I learned so much that day and feel blessed to have had that amazing experience.

Lynn Rattray

So sorry to hear they have left Londolozi. After seeing this family being harassed for two days by the wandering male, I hope they have found a more secure location until the cubs are self sufficient. I, too, feel lucky to have seen them twice during my September visit! Thanks for keeping us posted!

Jill Grady

We were also there in September and had a chance to watch them one morning. They are so beautiful and it was an incredible experience to get to spend some time with them. I hope wherever they go, they stay safe and continue to thrive. Your pictures are fantastic James, and thanks again for the map. It makes it much clearer to see where they have gone. Quite amazing how far they have roamed!


THank you for the lovely story around these amazing animals and also the lovely photos.Just hope they will be safe where they went and that they will return to Londolozi soon for all the visitors to enjoy them again and hopefully for ever.They are truly amazing !!!

Really interesting write up, thanks JT!

Evette Hartig

We enjoyed the time spent with these beautiful cats during our visit last September. Although they will be missed we really just hope they stay safe and thrive wherever they settle.

Saw them in March of 2013 when they were tiny babies & they were being stalked by wild dogs but mama saved the day & we all had a sigh of relief. Hope they come back by next September when I will be back to look for them.

Stephanie Peduto

Thanks for the update. I was at Londolozi in May 2013 when Byron happened to find them. They were so beautiful and it was amazing just watching all three playing and jumping around our vehicle. I hope they’re doing well. I love that you posted the map. Just goes to show just how big the property is and how far these cats actually roam.

Sad that they are gone, for now. I believe they will be back….it is their home, where they were raised and they will return 🙂
Happy Christmas to all at Londolozi and their extended family, animal and human. It is home for all of us!

Kay Maree

I still wish to have a chance to see cheetahs personally. Although seeing them can be frightening, but it is a blessing to see creatures like them living free in the wild. God bless Londolozi for keeping the place a home for these wild creatures and for connecting human to nature and animals. 🙂

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