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Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on The Week in Pictures #639

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Thanks Kelsey for a lovely TWIP. My favourite has to be the 1st one of the Nottens male in the tree – as you say, the perfect pose!

My pleasure Suzanne, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I think it is one of my favourites too! 🙂

I found the homely young ostrich especially sweet. 🙂 So many beautiful leopards in trees!

Thanks Chelsea 🙂

Thank you Kelsey for TWIPs. I think my favorite is the sunset scene of Patrick and Dorence looking at the herd of buffalo at the water hole. Just idilic and peaceful end to a day.

My pleasure William – It was a beautiful afternoon and I’m glad I could capture them in the moment!

Can anything be sweeter than a sleepy lion cub….absolutely my favorite. Well done on the entire series

Thanks Karen! The little cub does melt you sleeping like that 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

I have 2 favorites: young cub sprawled out, zebra. Thank you for sharing these pictures.

My pleasure Sandra, thanks for sharing your favourites!

Outstanding photography especially the contrasting light and dark on the Zebra. The Notten male has totally captured my fascination

Thank you Scott 🙂

Kelsey, Thanks for a fantastic set of images this week! It’s great to see the Nottens Male And the first one is our favorite pose!!

My pleasure Michael and Terri 🙂 Hopefully there will be more sighting of the Nottens Male going forward!

Great TWIP Kelsey! The Nottens takes the cake this week for me, quickly followed by the beautiful zebra silhouette!

Thank you Paul!

Hi Kelsey,
Thank you for The Week in Pictures! Beautiful pictures! My favorite is the photo of Ntsevu prides youngest cubs, lovely to see how the little cub are relaxing on the marula tree in the warm morning sunshine!
I also liked the young ostrich in the long grass, the fantastic giraffe photo with the wonderful light and colours and finally the two young elephants.
But they were all very beautiful photos! Well done and thank you for sharing!

Thank you Ann, I’m so happy you enjoyed the pictures! I was lucky with some beautiful lighting 🙂

Thanks for this wonderful TWIP Kelsey. I’m really happy to see your leopard images, especially the Nottens male. Your middle photo is lovely! Another favorite is the little ostrich, seemingly blending in among the grasses, save for his periscope neck and head. Hopefully your weather will cool down…

Always a pleasure Denise! It was a spectacular sighting of the Nottens male, especially for my first sighting of him.

The little cub is ADORBS!!!

It was a precious moment!! Thanks Anita

thank you for these wonderful moments caught on film. The leopards are always spectacular, and there are some stunning images here. But I must say I loved the picture of the cub basking in the morning sun – such rich golden colours in the fur and eyes, and the sun on him/her. What a mood you caught! Adorable.
I also really was drawn to the photo of the safari group watching the buffalo at the waterhole. It brought a real feeling of gratitude on – that we can have the opportunity to be in the incomparable wilderness with these creatures, be able to appreciate the beauty of nature, and let it touch and reawaken our souls…wonderful collection – thank you!

Thank you for your kind words Kylea and I completely agree with your appreciation of the beauty of nature. It is such a privilege to be able to capture these moments and share them with you.

How is it possible to pick up one? The zebra stallion, the Nottens male, the Plaque Rock female are iconic! The male giraffe so lovely. And how not to smile and feel a sense of tenderness in front of the lion cubs and the ostrich chick? The little youngster and the imposing adults…

Haha I agree Francesca! Always tough to pick a favourite but I’m so happy you enjoyed the pictures 🙂

Hi Kelsey, my favorite this week would be the Plague rock female perfectly positioned in the tree. She is such a beautiful leopardess. All the foto’s in this week’s TWIP are stunning.

Thank you Valmai, she really was putting on a good pose up in that Marula tree!

A great edition of TWIP Kelsey, the young ostrich peeking out from the long grass was my favorite this week.

Thank you Gregg!

Love the crop on the zebra stallion, Kelsey.

Thanks Simon!

Love the zebra stallion, Kelsey! That single dot between his eye and his ear is eye-catching!

Thank you Mary Beth! His markings are very intriguing 🙂

Master Tracker

Some super photos, the elephant bull and the ostrich chick would certainly be hung as photos on my wall

Thank you, the Friday pictures is a lovely blog to receive

Thanks Ian! Great to hear your favourites 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Kelsey for this super TWIP. As always a difficult task to select a favourite. A close call, but I love the black and white pic of the Plaque Rock female. She’s a favourite. Very jealous of the many predators that you’ve “spotted” this week.

My pleasure Jane 🙂 It is a tough one, but she was posing perfectly for us! It was an amazing week of sightings.

Hi I must add my sister’s vote for the elephant bull! She said his eyelashes are unbeaten and he’s her definitive winner of the week

Thank you Francesca 🙂

The Herd of Buffalo in Afternoon sun is special

It was a special moment in the golden light. Thanks Gawie

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