About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Zebras vs Wild Dogs

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Deb Kermisch

Great pics.We’re visiting in September and we can’t wait.

Wow! What a show, indeed!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh Rich, that was fun to watch! When I was in Madikwe in September, we noticed that the dogs just ignored the Zebra, as they seemed to sense that they have a good kick and went after an Impala, which they chased into the fence! Sad, but they know how to strategise (is that the right word)?
Thanks for sharing and keep them coming please


Amazing how they worked together against the threat! Loved watching it & wish I was back there!


how exciting! wild dogs are always interesting to watch – always on the go. Excellent filming considering the constant and fast action. Thanks Rich. I am glad the dogs decided to stop testing the strength of the herd and move on.

Trevor & Colleen

Rich we were following a pack with Eric out of Granite and Marvin and Melvin were in the same sighting. It was about 2008 (thought it was only about 2 years ago!) not far from the MM break. The Wild Dogs came across a heard of Wildebeest and amazingly the same thing happened. A couple of bulls charged the dogs and they seemed confused and started to yelp and “socialized” as if to ignore the Wildebeest. There was a standoff with one bull in particular for quite some time. The dogs lost interest after a while and just trotted off. We let another vehicle into the sighting so I don’t know the final outcome. will send photo of what one dog thought of the Wildebeest!

Would like to see more staff with profile on WWW. Didn’t see picture of Oxy?

Take care greetings to all.
Trevor and Colleen

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