About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Meet the Caiman’s Jaugars

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Coming to the Pantanal in August–magnificent animals!

Congratulations on all your habituation and conservation efforts! It is indeed wonderful to be able to see such gorgeous animals in their natural setting!

Mary Hubbard

All these cats are so strikingly beautiful! This may be a silly question, but how do you tell the difference between leopards and jaguars?

Never a silly question Mary! I agree that is can be difficult to tell the difference, especially when looking at pictures as they do not give a good perspective of size. One of the major differences is that the Jaguars are a lot bigger that Leopards, sometimes almost double the weight. The Jaguar although heavier than the leopard is shorter and stockier, and the leopard has longer legs and is a little more lean. The jaw of a jaguar is a lot stronger than the leopard because they break their prey’s skull in order to kill it and the leopards rather suffocate their prey. Another major difference is their habitat, leopards are found in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East while jaguars are found in South and Central America.
I hope that this has helped with your question.

Kindest regards,
Kate Neill

Betti zucker

breathe taking animals…. beautiful pictures…. thank you all

Ginny Race

Thank you great photos, I was thinking about the same question as Mary, what is the difference between the two

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for sharing. What a wonderful opportunity to view one of natures magnificent creatures. Also thanks for the explanation of the differences between the Jaguar and the Leopard.

Louise Taback

Thank you for sharing and explaning the diffrence between these AWESOME

Ginny Race

Thank you kate, now we know

Mary Hubbard

Thanks Kate!!! Your explanation was so helpful! 🙂

Hi Kate,

I was wondering whether there’s any difference with the coat patterns of the two big cats…?
Could you shed some light on this?

Hi Henry. There is a ver subtle difference on the pattern of the coat, the markings on their coats are both called Rosettes. The rosettes on a jaguar’s coat are larger, fewer in number, usually darker, and have thicker lines and small spots in the middle that the leopard lacks.

I hope this helps!

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