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Fantastic! Well done Jess!

Brian, Jean, Matt, Katrina & Tara...

Jess was our Camp Manager at Founder’s this past May 2012. She was outstanding! So glad to hear of her new duties at Londolozi….but, even more glad to witness her talents at writing and photography! Looking forward to more in the future, Jess…..

Great story and pictures. My wife and I are bringing two of our daughters to Londolozi in June. I’m an amateur photographer and I’m interested in learning what to expect while shooting in Africa. I want to be as prepared as possible for this once in a lifetime opportunity. In future blogs, could you please give some information on equipment and techniques used to get your photographs. Thank you.

Scott Luedke

David, We visited Londolozi last July and like you viewed this trip as a once in a lifetime opportunity. After visiting Londolozi, we hope to return many more times. During our safari I used two Canon Mark IV’s with a 70-200mm f/2.8 on one camera body and the other had a 300mm f/2.8. I also had a 1.4 extender as well as a 16-35 f/2.8 lens at the ready. Those lens typically allowed me to capture every shot I wanted. Remember to bring plenty of memory cards or an external hard drive to store your pictures. You and your family will have the trip of a lifetime at Londolozi!

Hi David,

For this specific blog Jess was using a Nikon D90 with a 55mm-200mm Lens. I will definitely make sure there is more attention on the technique and equipment of the photos in future blog. A good blog to look at that has recently come out is the ‘After the rain’ by David Dampier, all the equipment and techniques are added on all the photos.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you and your family in June!


Senior Digital Ranger

Congratulations, Jess! I look forward to reading your blogs.
I think the Cheetah has the most gorgeous eyes!
Thank for this peek into your beautiful world.

suzanne gibson

Well done Jess, and thanks for looking after me when I came to Founders last April. I’m back there in 2 weeks! – can’t wait, and this time my husband is joining me for his 3rd visit (and my 4th). It would be lovely to see you if you’re around, and I’m also really hoping to see this cheetah!

Jess, congrats and thank you for your story and photos. I look forward to meeting you at Londolozi soon.


Judy Guffey

Congratulations, Jess. So that means you won’t be in Founders in November but I hope you’ll stop by for a quick aloha when I’m there. Can’t wait for your blog and photos.

Louise Taback

Muzeltov Jess…Thank you for the Awesome photos…its so Wow!!!!

Dani K-B

Well done Jess! Great pics and well written… love it! Can’t wait for the next one.


Well DONE my vriendjie!
I am so proud of you!

Chad Cocking

Awesome work Jess-dogg! So happy for your new position, and sure you are going to do absolutely wonderful there! Look forward to seeing some more stunning images from you! Keep it up 🙂 x


Thank you everyone for your comments! Until the next story…

Henry Smith

Very nice, Jess!

Senior Digital Ranger

Jess, you served as our driver and guide during a Backroads tour group stay at Londolozi Varty Camp in March. Incidentally, you were the best guide, and Shad the best tracker. You mentioned that you and your fiancé Duncan would use a blog to tell about your travel adventure as you headed north to Kenya this month. I copied “jessandduncsadventure@wordpress.com” but that comes up blank. I’m very interested in your trip. Can you pass on your blog site again, please? Regards, Dave Mills, Wyoming, USA

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