on A Visitor from the Pantanal

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Awesome blog Raphael. Lovely experience in Africa.

Jill Grady

Wonderful blog Raphael and beautiful images. I agree – Africa and Londolozi are magical and once you’ve been there your life will never be the same again…it becomes part of your heart and soul and you feel this intense longing to return.

Thank you for sharing your experience and your beautiful pictures. I feel the same way about SA and Londolozi. There is a song from here in the US called “I Left My Heart in San Francisco”….well, like you, I left a part of my heart in Londolozi!! Can’t wait to return!

I am so glad to know about the Pantanal lodges. We live in Arizona where the Jaguar once roamed in large numbers, no more. To see them in Brazil has been one of my goals, but I had no idea where to start. THANK YOU!!!

What a wonderful experience. Having been to the Pantanal & Londolozi three times, all were magical experiences. But I am returning to Londolozi for the fourth time next year, so you know where my heart lies.

How fortunate you are to be able and have this experience not once but twice and behind the scenes as well. Your photos are amazing..I’m a bit partial to the zebra’s..I was able to photograph herds of them and had them put on canvas when I was there. Thank you for sharing your story. I review my photos almost on a daily basis to remind me what we share this wonderful world with!

Arlene and I have just returned from a trip to the Pantanal. what a beautiful part of the world. So remote and so, so vast!! In 1 week we had 14 jaguar sightings of 9 different cats! We sat with a mating pair for 10 hours on two days. I have thousands of picture of these great cats. Also saw about 90 different bird species, giant and lesser anteaters and many other animals that live in this paradise. This is a must visit for all wildlife lovers.

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