About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on How Trees Heal People

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Senior Digital Ranger

To add to your pleasure of trees, take a look at a fairly new book called “The Songs of Trees,” by David George Haskell. He’s a brilliant guy, educated in England and now teaching at the University of the South in Tennessee, United States.

Thanks Dave! Would love to check it out!! Another amazing one is the Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben 🙂

Awesome post! Thanks!!

Another wonderful inspiring post! Thank you Amy!

Deb and Frank Kohlenstein

Beautifully written! I know the feeling of well being you speak of whenever I am out amongst our trees. Thank you for putting it into words.

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful post Amy. Love the poem. Thank you for sharing some of your favorite trees with us this week. Some of the most peaceful and connected moments we experienced. Miss you already.

Ah thank you Ginger!! Miss you already too!! Sending lots of love and peaceful, connected tree energy your way 🙂

Barbara Bethke

I also feel that there is something special with trees, affinity and admiration.


What a great story. I enjoy trees too. Could not have a yard without at least one tree.


All trees are beautiful especially a dead tree with it’s twisted branches ! Lovely article !

Rob Cooper

Hi Amy, Your article says what I have always felt. Thanks

sandra harmon

This is why I yearn to return to the Smokies! Peaceful–and I always feel better physically and emotionally!

David Henry

Hi Amy
Have been walking the Hawaan forest for over 35 years . It has been my passion and after 3 hours in the forest the best stress relief possible
Would love to share it with you
140 tree species in 125 hectares

Hi David. I would love that! I still remember the tree at school that you helped save by suggesting the hallway be built around it. It was incredibly beautiful and one of my most favourite features. Let’s plan a Hawaan walk. Much love, Amy

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Amy for this reminder! Confirm when just touching the beautiful lime coloured bark on one of several Acacia Xanthaphloea I planted 15 years ago, I definitely feel calmer. Great article.

Thanks for that reminder Amy! We look forward to hiking through those beautiful trees on our visit in June!

What a great blog Amy. I too am a tree hugger and proud of it. One of my very favourite songs is called “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. My happy place is walking through woods, admiring the trees and listening to the birds. Thanks for touching on this subject – trees are good for humans and animals as well.

Maureen Butcher

Very interesting, thank you so much.

Always loved Palm Trees, still do, but then in Londolozi saw the beauty in a dead tree. Well said, Amy, as always, your insights touch my soul.

Great story

I absolutely love this post, Ams. There is something incredibly magical about trees, their wise presence and the way that they make me feel. Thank you for sharing!

This post is yet another reason why Londolozi is the best. I also find it interesting that so far, this post has elicited about as many comments as I can remember any post generating. Clearly, you connected with many people.

Thank you so much Jeff!


My friend runs Forest nursery schools in the UK. Wonderful for small children to connect with trees and the outdoors in all weathers. Thanks Amy I loved your post

Linda surtees

Amy I just love your post it n trees . Thank you . Beautiful read.

Tielman Haumann

Great blog! – Two parks that all tree huggers must visit when in Cape Town are De Waal Park, Oranjezicht and Arderne Gardens in Claremont.

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