16 of September’s Stunning Images You Should Share
Once again I’ve been astonished by the standard of photographs captured by our team of rangers this month. If you haven’t had a chance to check out every blog, this …
Once again I’ve been astonished by the standard of photographs captured by our team of rangers this month. If you haven’t had a chance to check out every blog, this …
Every game drive was a success, but this particular one was historic in my two dozen years of safaris. We were less than 300 meters from camp when we stopped …
I am always reticent to share my most memorable sightings. I get concerned that I may cause a ripple of FOMO (fear of missing out) to those not with me …
“We are the keepers of the ancient secrets; for we walked the world when it was new.” – Eileen Lynch A herd of elephants cross over the Sand River and …
We often play ‘the days of the week’ game here as staff. Working for six weeks straight, we don’t experience the usual rhythm of the five-day work week with a …
I don’t know if you have ever heard the loud honking call which resonates from the beautiful Egyptian goose. Myself, tracker Shadrack Mkhebla and guest Spencer Palmer certainly did. From …
The most abundant wild bird species on the planet, the red-billed quelea, has been swarming on Londolozi in their thousands. In fact, these tiny little birds have completely stolen the …
As we have now come to the end of the winter months at Londolozi, which happens to be my favourite time of the year for the low temperatures, misty mornings …
“The rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and a passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series of thoughts. This creates an …
Working and living in the bush affords us the opportunity to experience amazing sightings on an almost daily basis. These sightings are always special but can be made that much …
Every now and again I need to remind myself how lucky I, in fact, am to have a job at a place like Londolozi. I was thinking recently that, since …
The last few weeks seem to have carried with them a certain amount of uncertainty. In the wake of the Piva male leopard’s death, there was a certain amount of …
As our vehicle peaked over Ximpalapala crest a few days ago and we got our first glimpse of the rocky outcrop being lit by the rising sun, one of my …
It all began after a successful start to the morning, the temperature started to rise so we decided to stop for some coffee and hot chocolate at a small water …
This “purple patch” that I have heard about lately in the Londolozi blogs is quite a remarkable phenomenon not just experienced by the tracker and ranger teams but by guests …