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Matt Rochford


Growing up in the small coastal town of Mtunzini afforded Matt a childhood of endless adventures and the freedom to explore the rich diversity of animal and plant life in the area. He thus developed his passion for wildlife at a young age. ...

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on Unlocking the Magic: Contemplating Animal Senses

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Incredibile pictures! Knoeb-thorn flowers in winter are a bit of news to me. I can’t believe the hyena and wild dogs touching nose-to-nose, it’s almost like the leopard and the buffalo… the Ndzenga male looks magnificent in his prime, it must be a unique experience to hear him answering and calling.

Great blog, Matt!
I often wonder what the world must look like, or smell and taste like for the different animals. Even here, at home, when one goes walking with a dog, it hears and smells a world that is closed to our relatively restricted human senses.
I would also like to experience of a little while what a lion hears or sees, or an elephant, or any other animal. Must be very exciting

Wonderful panorama, Matt. And how was the blue smoke added to the striking rhino photo?

The last pic of the wild dog and hyena! What was that amazing circumstance?!

Thank you for that, Matt. As you say, it’s either use it or lose it, and unlike animals in the wild we’re no longer dependent on finely tuned senses for our survival.

Senses play a huge role in the animal kingdom, especially the eyesight, hearing and smell, for them to determine what is in the vicinity for them to kill and eat. That is survival for them. They have a cute hearing and just look at the lions and leopards that hunt at night.

Matt, thanks for your insights in this blog. If we truly relax and immerse ourselves into nature we can enjoy a world that we rarely take time to appreciate. I love to sleep outside at night, it gives my senses a new perspective and renews my spirit and awareness.

It is amazing how acute the senses are within the animal kingdom. Many times whilst out on a drive, I’ve observed preys or predators that are on alert because of their keen sense of smell, hearing or sight that is beyond our capability. It is said that elephants have the innate ability to smell water when necessary and have a fine sense of touch. Your quote at the end of your blog is so true -thanks for including.

Loved reading your article.

Marvelous article and pictures.

Matt, what a fascinating article! I’ve always felt that we humans come up short with so many of the senses… and even sight, our primary one! Thanks again for your fabulous guiding, and thanks to Terrance for his persistent tracking success. You made our trip so special. Saki and Iler

One more thing – I’d love to know the story behind your incredible hyena/wild dog photo!

Get your hands on a copy of “An Immense World” by Ed Yong. Pulitzer Prize winning science writer and an incredible. book. Dense reading, but he has a wonderful writing style, and the scientific research about animal senses is astounding in every way. I am about 1/2 way through it, taking my time….highly recommended!

Senior Digital Ranger

The very handsome Ndzengha male. I never tire of seeing either one of them.

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