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Robyn Morrison

Londolozi Alumna

Robyn grew up in Johannesburg and every family holiday was spent exploring the Lowveld or camping around Southern Africa. Her love of nature and conservation propelled her to complete her Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh’s school of Geoscience. Although this gave ...

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on Survival of the Fittest: Natural Selection at Londolozi

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So true.. The species that have the best ‘strategy’ of adaption will be superior – Survival of the fittest and smartest – Like the impala strategy i guess.

Robyn, Thanks for the reminder that survival of any species is always predicated on the adaptability. Change is the key word for all species including humans. It is not, can we change, but how will we change and how quickly.

Hi Robert, thanks for the link to the study of mother leopards behaviour, I heard about it but never found before. The article is very well written, with gorgeous pictures, leopard mums with cubs are the top but all are lovely. I knew about acacias and giraffe for example, they engage an arm race through evolution, so giraffe are able to eat the youngest and tender leaves, whereas acacias tree “call for ants” by releasing some chemicals. Great!

Well written Robyn, on a subject that can evoke a great deal of discussion. It was interesting to learn that leopards are having fewer litters in order to give their cub/cubs a better chance of surviving into adulthood. It appears this strategy is working given the successes of Nkoveni, Ximungwe and Nhlanguleni of late, all raising cubs to independence. Your reference to the acacia tree and its thorns was also interesting. Thank you.

Great article, Robyn.

Great article Robyn and change is the key word here for humans and animals. Adaptation in all it’s glory for survival. Beautiful foto’s thank you so much.

Great to see the Ingrid Dam photo. I was at that sighting. Wonderful memory.

Master Tracker

Thank you very much, a really enjoyable article

Best wishes

Interesting to see this in certain species in The Galapagos

The first and most important rule of the wild: Eat or Be Eaten
Whether it is making you faster, smarter, more agile, or whatever trait you select, the idea is to survive.

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