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Keagan Chasenski

Guest contributor

Keagan has always had a connection with wildlife, having been lucky enough to visit Londolozi as a child. After growing up in Johannesburg, he attended boarding school in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands where weekends were spent exploring the reserve and appreciating his surroundings. ...

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on Where is the Mawelawela Male?

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Thank you for sharing and I hope you have successful sightings in the upcoming weeks!

Always interesting to hear updates of the whereabouts of the different leopards.
Great photos; I like the one of the Newt male looking down on the Buffalo, and the latter one looking up at the leopard especially.

Keagan: Can you remind me what the #:# means in the leopard family names? Thanks.

Thanks for the update Keagan! We hope to search out this handsome male on our next visit!

I can only admire those superb creatures, every one so special in its features, this Mawelawela male looks gorgeous, his colours remind me a bit those of the royal line. . Lions fight in open arena and their display is dramatic, and leopards in contrast have their secret way to lead their hard life. It took me a bit by surprise to read about killing giraffe calves, I’m sorry for the giraffe but imagining this male in action is not difficult to understand…

He is a beautiful leopard and yes he is getting old rapidly. Seeing the Ntomi male near his territory makes a person appreciated all the male leopards on Londolozi. Fighting for territory is a scarry situation for all involved.

Thanks for the update Keagan, and for the picture of the current male territorial areas. I’m surprised Ntomi is hunting buffalo calves – must be way more dangerous than the usual impala!

It’s always fascinating to read about the fluidity of the male leopards within the SabiSand Reserve. Just when you believe a leopard has established its territory, is spotted on a regular basis, he begins to venture into another’s realm. It seems the only constant is change which makes each drive a new adventure. You mentioned his age as a factor in shifting his territory for genetic reasons, but I would think the same holds true for the other males of his age, so could we also see a move by Maxim, Senegal Bush and Flat Rock?

Thanks for the update on the lesser seen Mawelawela Male Keagan! Looking forward to hearing more about him and his ability to hold on to territory as the pressures you mentioned intensify.

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