Involved Leopards

Plaque Rock 3:3 Female

Plaque Rock 3:3 Female

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Ndzanzeni 4:3 Female

Ndzanzeni 4:3 Female

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About the Author

Patrick Grealy


Patrick was born and raised in Johannesburg and from a young age dreamt about living in the bush. He grew up going on family holidays to Madikwe in the North West where his passion grew. After high school Patrick went to the Eastern ...

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on The Week in Pictures #597

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Senior Digital Ranger

Great blog with some wonderfully recorded moments – such a great feeling of almost being there! The photo of the young male Cheetah is excellent.

The leopard cub nursing from its mother while watching you… exquisite image. What a totally marvelous week and images

Senior Digital Ranger

Such a lovely way to greet the morning so thank you for sharing these photos! Many “ahhs” and “adorables” moving thru the pics!! Loved them all with your exceptional lighting.

Patrick, wonderful pictures this week. I don’t have a favorite but, the several of the Ndzanzeni Female and her cub were super.

Senior Digital Ranger

I love to hear that the Tsalala female is doing so well. Her mother taught her well. Her quality of life, however, would be better with a companion. I pray that will happen soon. Also glad to hear of cheetahs on Londolozi. They are such special animals. The visible cub of the Ndzanzeni Female is adorable.

Senior Digital Ranger

She ha a companion, the Othawa female that some call Gingerella

Hi Patrick absolutely brilliant TWIP.. epic photos of the Ndzanzeni female’s cub! How wonderful for you and your guests. Also especially happy to see the Tsalala female doing so well. Last saw her as a cub with (one of 3 at the time) with her mother and she has such a special and unique place in our hearts. We need to come back again!!

Senior Digital Ranger

What amazing pictures. so hard to choose. Ellie rolling in mud, little steenbok, lion cubs. My favorite is the Ndzanzeni cub. So precious!

I really liked the full-on photo of the meandering hippos. Thanks.

Oh my word, a new descendant of the Mother Leopard! Any idea as to the sex of the cub Patrick (hoping for a female!)? How incredibly special for the Londolozi team!

Patrick, Thanks for the great shots this week! We loved seeing the Tsalala Female watching for vultures – our favorite. You are right that her story is inspiring!

Wonderful photos.
It is always good to see that the Tsalala lioness is fine.
The young leopard cub is so cute.

Wonderful TWIP, Patrick! The images of the Ndzanzeni female and her cub are memorable!

How amazing that little cub gave you so much time! I sure hope this little guy makes it…seems the odds are in his favor!!! love love

Such an adorable set of cubs and calves would win anybody ‘s heart! It is impossible to choose as usual, but the leopard cub is such an irresistible combination of pure beauty, innocence and total vulnerability you can’t help thinking of it as the winner. The steenbock is a lovely surprise, such a delightful and interesting little antelope. Every more cheetah is a great addition to the species and to Londolozi. Hippos were the first African animal I loved as a small children. I’m so fond of them, still. There is a calf here as well, I have still in my mind the images of the great documentary on the Zambesi River, of which, according to the narrator, they are the keepers…

I loved all the pictures of the tiny leopard cub!

Digital Tracker

Great pics! My favourite is the cheetah!

Terrific blog Patrick, many cute cub photos, but my vote goes with the Tsalala female, my favorite lioness!

GREAT TWIP!!! Loved all the photos, but once I saw that tiny, blue-eyed leopard peek around the rock, I found my favorite for sure. The photos of the baby leopard were just incredible! I so wish I had been on that vehicle to snap away on my camera! Thanks for sharing!

absolutely stunning

Senior Digital Ranger

The photo that made me feel emotional was the one with the lioness and the zebra foal carcass. Sadness for the foal to lose its life so early and for its mother to lose her foal. Yet understanding that the lioness is doing what she’s supposed to by taking care of herself and her cubs.

Wonderful TWIP, Patrick. My favourite this week has to be ALL the ones of Ndzanzeni and her cub. I’m so so hoping she can finally bring this one to independence – she has lost so many since Tortoise Pan.

Senior Digital Ranger

Great Week in Pictures! Who is thought to be the possible sire to Ndzanaeni’s cub? Thank you for sharing your piece of paradise with all of us

Patrick so excited to see the Ndzanzeni females cub. What a cute little ball of fluff. That is my favorite this week with the little one lying in the open. All other foto’s are beautiful. So glad to hear the Tsalala female caught a kudu. Well done to hear!

Master Tracker

Super pictures (as always)

At first I was so confused by the lioness appearing to hug the zebra foal. It did look like they were cuddling–ha! The way the tail of the black winged still it lines up perfectly with a ripple gives the illusion that it has some very impressive tail feathers. As always, I’m so glad to see the beautiful Tsalala female, and the mother giraffe with her calf warmed my heart. Such a great collection this week!

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